
First, let me please all the ladies out there in Cyber World with this treat......

This is my father. Ain't he a looker :)
By the way, what's up with that hair?

Another one of that "handsome" guy

Now, here I am back in 1998.
Nice Ranger Vest, huh?
Yep, leave it to me to be such a TREND SETTER!!

Another one of me, this time with my Kitten, TJ.
When I moved into my new apartment, I was told by the landlord, "NO PETS ALLOWED."
So, I had to give TJ and my best pal, Cujo, up.

This is Cujo.
Yes, I was always yelling at him and he would never shutup, but the day we took him to the Humane Society,
Nicole and I cried as he sat in his cage looking out at us as if he was saying,
"Okay, guys, jokes on me, ha ha....I promise I'll be GOOD from now on....PLEASE!!!!"

My only hope for him now is that he was adopted by a wonderful family.

Well, here is me and my girl, Nicole, along with Gozde and Mike

Right before I went away for my Annual Training, I spent all my money doing things with Nicole.
Here is the day we left for Hershey Park.
When I got to Ft. Stewart, Georgia, I had to smooch money off my Cadet friend.
(By-the-way, thanks "TallyWacker")

Here's my Mom and Nicole.

Don't worry, they won't bite you

This little one is Kirsten...
Her and her sister, Lauren, are SO SWEET.
And both of them are awesome gymnasts.
Nicole and I are proud of them!

Lauren is showing us how it is done.

I just couldn't get it right....so the Master had to help me out.

Nicole's just as stupid as I am....but she needed special attention.
Ha Ha

Well, it looks like she figured it out
and left me hanging.
Thanks, Nicole!

Well, that's all for now, folks......