Here are some pics of my nephew, Tyson James Priest

Here is a pic of my mom and Ty.
Ty was born on 5 November 1995. I was at a band competition when he came into this world.

Ty is quite a cutie. The only bad part is that he acts alot like his daddy. I just hope he doesn't do some of the things that his daddy did while growing up.

Some of the things that his daddy, Mark, did include running into a Snap-On Tools truck while delivering papers on his bike. This is one of the many times he had to visit the dentist to fix his teeth.

Another thing he did when he was young...he got the bright idea that he would pound a nail into a spray paint can (don't ask me why?!). Red paint sprayed everywhere so Mark took the paint can into the house and gave it to mom. That was REAL smart, huh?

Anyway, enough of me picking on my brother...What can I say, he's an ex-Marine.

This is the woman who decided to put up with Mark. This is Staci, a very couragous soul or just out of her mind.