NOTE: I have yet to find a translation of Das Modell, so the English version isn't listed here. All I know is that it means The Model.




Punish Me

Bend Down

You Hate

Play With Me


Old Man


Kiss Me (Furry Frog)



Let me ride out on a tear
       Past your chin to Africa
       Once more to the she-lion's den
       Where I was at home back then
       Inbetween your tender long legs
       Searching snow from just last year
       Never does the snow appear

       Let me ride out on a tear
       In the clouds there is no bliss
       A big bird gently slides his head
       Back into a secret crevice
       Inbetween your tender long legs
       Searching sand from just last year
       Never does the sand appear

       Hunger connects
       Just like an insect
       Asleep you never sense
       Right as it bites
       Nowhere can it be good so
       The finger slips to Mexico
       Then down it sinks into the sea
       Hunger has no mercy


Live in virtue, no desire
      In the grave an angel's choir
      You look to heaven and wonder why
      No one can see them in the sky

      Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
      Angels can be seen in heavens keep
      Alone in fear they question why
      Goddamn not an angel when I die

      Angels live, they never die
      Apart from us , behind the sky
      They ´re fading souls who ´ve turned to ice
      So ashen white in paradise

      Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
      Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
      Alone in fear they question why
      Goddamn not an angel when I die


What is a man
      What is a man
      Who's between man and beast?
      Can't seperate the man

      He will go to his daughter so late
      She is young and she's such sweet bait
      Just as if he were a dog
      With his own flesh and blood he will mate

      What do you
      Feel in you?
      What are you?
      You are a beast!

      What is woman
      What is woman
      Inbetween beast and man?
      Can 't seperate the man

      She dips the feather in his blood
      Writes herself so many lines
      A lifeless letter from her childhood
      As her father slept by her side

      What do you
      Feel in you?
      What are you?
      You are a beast!

Punish Me

Punish me 
       Punish me
       Straw is gold
       And gold is stone
       You are so big, make me small
       You´re the master,
       make me crawl

       The lord does give
       The lord does take

       Punish me
       Punish me
       You say yes
       And I say no
       Lock me in all you worship
       Before the winds cold hand grips

       You are so big, make me small
       Your the master, make me crawl
       Your the master, make me crawl

       You are so big, make me small
       Your the master, make me crawl
       You´re so big you make him small
       You will punish me for all
       The lord does give
       The lord does take
       Does he give love to
       Those he foresakes?
       Punish me

Bend Down

Bend down I order you
     Turning your face back from me too
     I don't need to see it now
     Bend down

     A biped who is on all fours
     I'll lead him down on the floor
     In quick-step we move along
     I'm so displeased
     Now crawling backwards to meet me
     Honey stains his tights so badly
     I'm so displeased, Sadly displeased

     Bend down...

     I've no interest in the rest

     The biped stuttered a short prayer
     In fear of what I couldn't bear
     Tried to bend down more and more
     Tears we're running off to the floor

     Bend down...

     Bend down I order you
     Turning your face back from me too
     I don't need to see it now
     Bend down, you know how

     Bend down...

You Hate

         You hate
         You hate me

         You hate
         You hate me
         You hate
         You hate me

         You hate
         You hate me

         You hate
         You hate me 
         You hate me
         You hate me to say
         You hate me to say
         You hate me to say
         And I did not obey

         Will you until death does sever
         Be upright to her forever


         You hate
         You hate me

         You hate
         You hate me

         You hate me 
         You hate me to say
         You hate me to say
         You hate me to say
         And I did not obey

         Will you till death be her rider
         Her lover too, to stay inside her


Play With Me

We share a room and the bed
             Brother dear please go right ahead
             Brother dear come touch me here
             Slide to me so close and near

             By the bed a big black hole
             In they jump all the sheep
             Much too old but I count them still
             But I cannot fall asleep

             Past my navel in the bush
             Waiting there white fantasies
             Brother dear come hold me tight
             And shake for me leaves from the trees

             Play a game with me
             Give me your hand and

             Play with me - A game
             Play with me - A game
             Play with me - Cause we´re alone now
             Play with me - A game
             Father mother child

             My brother dear hand in pain
             He rolls back over once again
             My brother helps me now and then
             So that I may sleep again

             Play a game with me
             Give me your hand and

             Play with me - A game
             Play with me - A game
             Play with me - Cause we´re alone now
             Play with me - A game
             Father mother child


They say to me
      Open this door
      Curiosity screams
      Whatever could it be
      Back behind that door
      A piano
      The keys are all dusty
      The strings are all untuned 
      Back behind that door
      At the piano
      But she plays no more
      It is so long ago

      On the piano
      She's who I hear
      She began to play
      She took my breath away

      She said to me too
      That I'll stay with you
      But it just seemed to be
      She played alone for me
      I poured her blood
      In the fire of my rage
      I locked up her shrine
      They questioned in time

      At the piano
      She's who I hear
      She began to play 
      She took my breath away
      At the piano
      I stand by her
      But it just seemed to be
      She played alone for me

      They opened up the door
      And how they cried
      i heard her mother plea
      Her father struck out at me
      They tore her from her chair
      No one believed me there
      I was so insane
      With the stench and the pain

      At the piano 
      She's who I hear
      She began to play
      She took my breath away
      At the piano
      She's who I hear
      As I began to play
      I took her breath away

Old Man

He's waiting for the midday wind
        And waves spread out so dull and slack
        And with a hand fan every day
        The old man smooths the water back

        I cast a stone in just for fun
        The water rings moved on the plane
        So sadly stood the old man by
        And swept the water flat again

        In white sand the old man sat
        Trembling as he smoked his pipe
        Just the water and I know that
        The fan is of a special type

        Awareness sleeps volcano dreams
        Reluctant I asked him why
        His head hung low as if he slept
        And the he said before he died

        The water will be your only mirror
        First when it's like glass can you see
        How many fairytales you have left
        For your deliverance you will plead

        The fan was pressed to his breast
        Just as death's grip seized up his hand
        His fingers must have been so tight
        The fan remained back in the sand

        I call the old man every day
        Should he come and deliver me
        I stay here with the midday wind
        And in the fan it is plain to read

        The water will...


Am I pretty
          Then cut me in the face
          Am I stronger
          Break my neck in disgrace
          Am I smarter
          Kill me and eat my brain
          I take your wife
          Kill me and eat me all up
          Just eat me all up

          Am I honest
          Then bite my tongue right off
          Am I richer
          Then take it all
          Am I braver
          Kill me and eat my heart
          I take your wife
          Kill me and eat me all up
          Just eat me all up
          We're cooking jealousy

          Have I such tender skin
          Tear it out in stripes
          Have I the clearest eyes
          Steal all the light
          Have I the purest soul
          Burn it in the flames
          I take your wife then
          Kill me and eat me all up
          Just eat me all up

          And lick the table clean

          We're cooking jealousy

Kiss Me (Furry Frog)

She keeps very still
                     To be fingered is all she will
                     Swelling in the dried out grass
                     Her misty eyes fill up fast

                     She's captured and can't breakaway
                     Never sees the light of the day
                     With lustful shivers as she pleads
                     The tongues of men to serve her needs

                     Kiss me

                     She bites in every tongue so tight
                     To be licked is what she likes
                     But as it leaves a bitter taste
                     She is seldom just embraced

                     She's captured...

                     Kiss me

                     The tongue slides out from the mouth
                     And slaps her wild in ecstasy
                     Hard and long right up front
                     She bleeds so badly from her snout

                     She's captured....

                     Kiss me
                     on my moistened lips
                     Kiss me
                     With it's bitter taste
                     Kiss me


If the freinds are good to me,
        the white fairy is bending her bow,
        shoots into the face of my worries,
        and out of the two halves
        breaks the father of all mirrors.

        He`s waving at me and I bend,
        and he`s whispering in my ear.

        You are the sweetest child of all,
        I`ll keep you as my own blood, 
        you are the nicest child of all,
        in me, even the evil is good.

        The curiosity is making my dream longer,
        the white fairy, she sings and she laughs,
        she made me pregnant violently,
        and pregnant as I am is torturing me through the night
        the father of all mirrors 

        He`s waving at me and I bend,
        and he`s whispering in my ear.

        You are the sweetest child of all,
        I`ll keep you as my own blood,
        you are the nicest child of all,
        in me, even the evil is good. 

        And as I defend myself against the pains of birth,
        still being a bitch in the cradle,
        watch me while I give birth,
        and devour the own afterbirth.

        You are the sweetest child of all...

All songs copyright Rammstein 1997. All translations by Rob Hoare.