Mike's Lovely Friends...

Okay somehow I have a lot of friends. I must be doing something right. If I forgot you then smack me. If you hate me and I put you up here thinking you were my friend, bitch me out.

Cheryl- Hey hunny I'm so glad we've made it to 6 months + (plus 4 months before, but besides that...). You know I love you so much and I'm always here for you. I'll quote you in saying that if we end up going to college together it will be "awesome." I'm so happy that your in my life, you make me happy, and we are the cutest couple. I love you!!!

Zack- Zack, we're brothers from different mothers. You're my best friend and you know it. My snowboarding buddy. Ski club will be pretty sweet.

The Band (Brian, Adam, Greg, Steve)- What can I say boys? We're kicking ass. Five years together and we haven't killed each other yet. Although yeah we've come close a lot. Ah well. We'll see where this shiznit takes us. I'm lovin' the ride so far. BreakThru this fucking town.

The Meat Department boys- Dan, Shawn, and everyone else you guys are awesome, and the only reason I even work at Shit-and-Go Market is cuza you guys. Ron why the fuck did you quit?

Amy- Amy I'm glad that with everything we've been through together over the years that we've still managed to stay close friends. I'm glad we talk and I know that I can tell you anything. I think it's wonderful. I miss you so much, and we need to chill a lot more than we do.

Stephany- Steffiepooh you are an awesome girl. I love how we can talk about anything and just laugh our problems away together. It's lovely. And remember our rule for when we're 23.

Stefanie- Stef I miss you so much, I never see you except at the occasional punk show. We need to talk more. You're always there for me though, and for that I am grateful.

Nick D.- Nick is a punker, so we go to shows a lot, or we used to atleast. We met Less Than Jake together and got on their tour bus. They gave us free water. We met New Found Glory too, they gave us cd's and shit and patches. This was before they got all huge. We've been to a lot of concerts together. The kid is the shit.

Nick R.- This kid has a beer belly the size of Mississippi but it's okay. Funny as hell, known him forever. Lol. In 8th grade he turned preppy for a girl. Horrible. He's awesome.

Dan S.- Dan is so fat so we call him skinny. He'll have that name for the rest of his life. He's the funniest kid I know.

Special Shoutouts to: Irina, Kat, Kare, Shannon, Shannon M., Aly, Christy, Jackie, Jess B., Melly, Christa M., Julie H., the rest of the Glastonbury crew, "The Crew" (You know who you are, it's been a LONG time), Sarah (Zack's biaitch), Meg, The Maine People, Tyler, Patrice, Whitney Badweather, Mike (The infamous ML), Eric, Phil, Mary, Tara, Danyel, Ron (ex-Scitico), Deseray, and whoever else I may have forgotten. You guys kick ass.

Get outta here!