About Me..

Hey what's up? Why the hell are you here? Well, my name's Mike. I'm 18 years old and I come from a small town in Connecticut called Somers. It's really shitty here; we have 9000 people here, and 3000 of them are prisoners, so yes, we have a huge minority population but somehow there's like 3 black kids in my school. BTW I'm a senior @ Somers High School. Anyway, to tell more about Somers, there's nothing here. It's not modernized in any way. Recently someone wanted to put a CVS and a Dunkin' Donuts in town, but the town voted NO because they wanted to keep the town's heritage. So the center of town consists of a strip of tobacco shops, an icecream parlor, and a Mobil station. Fun. However, I can easily escape this reality and go into the real world, or atleast, Enfield (next town over). That's where the malls and Taco Bells and everything are. And my girlfriend Cheryl lives there, so it's more of a reason. I also work there at this grocery store called Scitico Market... I work in the meat department. It sucks and its really disgusting, but I try to deal. I've been there for 2 1/2 years and I hate putting up with all the old peoples' bullshit. We have these people that come in EVERY DAY (we call 'em regulars), and they're annoying as hell, and I hate them and they smell. Luckily for the most part the people that work there with me are pretty cool. So it's not so bad. I'm in a band called BreakThru.... that's my pride and joy. We play everywhere, we're sorta well known. We did play with TRUST Company and a few other big bands, so we're making a name for ourselves after 5 years. I play guitar. Besides that I go to a lot of concerts and I've seen a ton of bands in my day, and I don't really feel like listing them all. I've been snowboarding for 3 years too, so that's some wintertime fun. Since I live in New England we get a lot of that. Peace.
