The K! Challenge


"I was spelling champion as a small child" - Jeff Ament

1. Where would you find the highest concentration of lakes in the UK?
Jeff - In the UK? In the Queen's back yard.
Richard - In the pubs.
Jeff - I'm lost, man. No idea

2. What is the currency of India?
Robbi - The rupee.

3. Whose new album is called 'Down On The Upside'?
Richard - Sound...
Jeff - ...Garden. That's an amazing record. I'm pretty good friends with Chris Cornell; we've done a bit of camping and mountain biking.
Robbi - I like Susan...
Jeff - Chris' wife? Okay...

4. What is a Red Admiral?
Jeff - A Red Admiral?
Robbi - An ant.
Jeff - That's good! It's an army ant. No, I have no idea.

5. How much does Kerrang! Cost?
Jeff - £1.95? It's always about four weeks late in the States

6. Who played Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars' trilogy?
Jeff - I'll give you another clue, he was also in 'Corvette Summer'.
Robbi - I have no idea.
Jeff - Mark Hammill

7. How do you spell Mississippi?
Jeff - M-I-double-S-I-double-S-I-double-P-I. I was spelling champion as a small child. I don't know what's happened since...

8. What is the official residence of the UK Prime Minister?
Robbi - 10 Downing Street

9. Where in the world would you find Ayres Rock?
Robbi - Australia.
Jeff - Oh yeah, south of Alice Springs. I've been to Australia. We went to the Great barrier reef and scuba dived. That was great.

10. What is the french word for window?
Robbi - Fenetre.
Jeff - Damn, he's good!

11. What is the English word for faucet?
Robbi - Tap.
Jeff - This is unfair; he grew up in a dull English colony.

12. In what year was JFK assasinated?
Jeff - 1963. I was but a nine-month-old child.
Richard - You can go back to the place in Dallas where the shots were fired. The window's all sectioned off.
Jeff - Lee Harvery Oswald's just hanging out there, having tea.

13. What is 25 multiplied by 40?
Jeff - Er, 1,000

14. Who was the second man on the moon?
Richard - Neil Armstrong Jr?
Jeff - No, no, no, no, no...Son of a bitch, who was it?
Kerrang! - Buzz..
Jeff - Buzz Aldrin!
Kerrang! - You should be ashamed.
Jeff - I am. But you know it was all fake, right? It was all filmed - they didn't really go to the moon.

15. Who is the singer of The Offspring?
Jeff - Paul Weller? Joe Strummer? I have no idea.

16. How many copies has the first Pearl Jam record sold in the US?
Robbi - 10 million.
Richard - 7 million.
Jeff - I know the last one sold four million. I'll say 8 million.
Kerrang! - 10 million, we're told. I'd have a word with your accountant if I were you...
Jeff - Ha! Yeah. He said it was only eight last month.

17. What is the first song on the Mother Love Bone album?
Robbi - It's 'Stardog Champion'.
Jeff - No. it's 'This Is Shangri-La'. It's been a long time since I listened to that record.

18. What is the capital of Turkey?
All - Ankara!

19. Which of these bands is fictitious - Skunk Anansie, Terrorvision, TheWildhearts?
Richard - I'd have to say The Wildhearts.
Jeff - I'll say Terrorvision.
Kerrang! - Er, none of them. They're all Top 20 UK bands.
Jeff - I've heard of The Wildhearts. They've been around for a while, right? Is there a guy from Dogs D'Amour in the band?
Kerrang! - No, but there used to be

20. You're in a locked water-tight bathroom with no windows or door and the bath is over-flowing. How would you avoid drowning?
Richard - You rub your finger on the tap until it's sore. Then you take the sore (saw), saw the table in half, put the two halves together and make a whole (hole), and you put the hole on the wall and climb out.
Jeff - Jesus!
Kerrang! - A less ridiculous answer?
Robbi - Turn the tap off

21. What are the seven colours of the rainbow?
Jeff - Red, yellow, blue, green, orange, violet and...
Robbi - Indigo.

22. Who plays the elderly, white-bearded, millionaire entrepreneur in the film'Jurassic Park'?
Jeff - Bruce Dern? Not sir Richard Burton?
Kerrang!:No. He's dead.
Robbi - Sir Richard Attenborough.

23. What would you get if you ordered bangers and mash in a UK restaurant?
Robbi - Sausages and mashed potato

24. How high is Mount Everest?
Jeff - 29,000 feet.

25. Which is correct - the yolk of an egg is white, or the yolk of an egg are white?
Jeff - Neither! You almost got me there. The yolk of an egg is yellow.

How they scored
17 out of 25

The Challenge Cup Top Five
1. Dog Eat Dog (21)
2. The Presidents of the USA (18)
3. Smashing Pumpkins (17)
4. Three Fish (17)
5. Slayer (16)

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