Well, where do I start about LiVE... they're by far my favorite band. All of the bandmembers have gone to school with eachother for many years, so it was no suprise that they all formed a band when they were around 13 or 14. Having been together since then, LiVE has formed such a unique chemistry that makes them one of the best bands in the alternative music scene. Check out these sites to learn more about them and their music. :)

The Unofficial Chad Taylor Fan Site My personal LiVE homepage, dedicated to their guitarist.

The Very Unofficial and Possibly Illegal Patrick Dahlheimer Hompage My friend Kymla's page dedicated to the bassist of LiVE. Be sure to visit this one! :)

Bowels of the CatherdralA very cool site dedicated to the guys. Check out the chatroom!

Live-WebThe best unofficial fan site, Jim has everything on his page. Very cool.

Live From York, PA The official homepage, however it is currently being remodeled.

Vine Street My friend Sarah's page, this one is very very cool. Lots of neat graphics.