Removing all animal products from your life is actually very easy. All your needs for protein, calcium, iron and other vital nutrients are easy to satisfy if you eat enough calories each day from a wide variety of foods. It’s that simple!

The only nutrient deserving extra consideration is Vitamin B-12, which, since it is made by bacteria, is not naturally present in plants (or meat). Your B-12 requirements can be easily met by including a cereal or soymilk fortified with B-12, or a B-12 supplement twice a week.

step 1 Reduce or eliminate red meat, poultry and fish. Replace with grain, legume and potato-based dishes. Start giving yourself larger servings of rice, potatoes and vegetables at meals.

step2 Increase intake of calcium-rich vegetables -- broccoli, kale, collards, mustard and turnip greens, bok choy, black beans, calcium-processed tofu, calcium-fortified orange juice and calcium-fortified soymilk. Choose more raw fruits and vegetables: cooking destroys nutrients.

step 3 Replace dairy products with non-dairy foods. Delicious milks, cheeses, and frozen desserts based on soy, rice, nuts and seeds are available in health food stores and many grocery stores.

step 4 Switch to nonfat or low-fat versions of prepared foods. Read product labels. Replace eggs in baking with two tablespoons of water per egg -- or try Ener-G egg substitute.

step 5 Reduce refined carbohydrates (white flour, white sugar, white rice, etc.) By choosing whole grain products and natural sweeteners (fruits, juices, maple syrup, etc.).

There are an endless supply of wonderful vegan recipes from many cultures. A wide variety of cookbooks are available in bookstores and health food stores. Check for them at your local library. There are many fast foods -- "vege-burgers," "tofu-helpers," "humus" etc. -- available at health food stores and even at some grocery stores. If you can’t find them in your store, ask your grocer to carry them -- he or she is always looking for suggestions. Ask your favorite restaurant to serve vegan burgers, pasta dishes, etc.

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