Timothy Dalton. Russian Traceries. Our Collections.
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At sunset. Photo - S.Melnikov
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Timothy Dalton, films and children
Cherchez la Femme!
Golden Autumn in Archangelskoye

S p o r t f i s h e r m a n

"All the day long our Sportfisherman is sitting on the bank of lake..."
(Children's song) 

      Who among Timothy Dalton's admirers doesn't know about his hobby - fishing? Some people. And who among those, who knows, did have a pleasure to watch, how their idol is busy with this, certainly, guiltless passion? Some people too. Only some people, though the number of amateurs and specialists in the field of fishery, fishing as sports or simply by-time to sustain the health totals some millions! Our collection of Timothy Dalton's photoes on the plein-air partially solves this problem and, who knows, may be forms new sportfishermen?

      As a matter of fact, the photoes we demonstrate here are not a fishing party in the proper sense of the word. This is a mixture of fishing party and TV-interview, when Timothy Dalton was an interviewee in the wild. This event took place in the middle of 80-s, when the famous British actor was on the peak of his actor's career. However on the photo below he is choosing spoonbaits seriously to prepare fishing tackles for the expedition.


      Timothy and his partners use a boat with "put-put" to achieve the place, suitable for fishing. It looks like "Three men in a boat"! Isn't it?

Three men in a boat

      Neither weather, nor nibble were good, but Timothy Dalton and his companions didn't lose euphrasy!

In the blue expanse

      Time spins away, while Timothy tells stories about actor's life, because these ones are very similar to the snake- or fish- stories! Timothy is really enjoying and gets a charge out of both talking and journey. Details - on the separate Page.

To see this scene in details, click on this pic, please!

      This way - word by word, story by story, the time has come, - and they got first catch of fish! If you will go with this link, you will see, what fishes can be caught on the hook by our fellows in Russia. That giant, caught in the usual middle-Russia's river, was a pike. But on the picture below - probably, salmon...

To see this scene in details, click on this pic, please!

      That evening Timothy Dalton was invited to almost "royal" supper and ate by candle-light. He also got a book about the methods to angle for salmon, as we can judge, from the author himself. Please, click with your mouse here or on the picture below to know the details!

To see this scene in details, click on this pic, please!

      The fact, that Timothy Dalton is one among the millions of amateurs fishermen, certainly, makes him a little bit more earthbound in the eyes of audience and in some measure helps him to get the additional goodwill of the mail part of public. But this medal of popularity has a reverse side: when Mr. Dalton began to appear in society with unknown Russian girl by the name Oksana, this guiltless passion to fish became the source of offensive jokes and words in the journalists' mouths. "Caught on the hook " - was the sentence of yellow press. And the photo was published. In Russia. In "Komsomolskaya Pravda". By the way, it was a good photo. However it's another story, isn't it?

at daylight. Photo - S.Melnikov


      K.E., 2001 Reply to author!

      We thank Sergey Melnikov for beautiful photoes of Russian nature!

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