Films Seen 1997

(re-releases not eligible for Top 10 of the Year)

In theatre:

Jackie Chan's First Strike - ** 1/2
Beverly Hills Ninja - **
Fierce Creatures - ***
Star Wars: A New Hope: Special Edition - *** 1/2
Absolute Power - ***
Vegas Vacation - ** 1/2
The Empire Strikes Back: Special Edition - ****
Jungle 2 Jungle - *
Return of the Jedi: Special Edition- *** 1/4 (a rare rating)
Liar Liar - *** 1/2
Grosse Pointe Blank - ****
Romy and Michele's High School Reunion- *** 1/2
Austin Powers - ***
The Fifth Element - ***
Father's Day - * 1/2
The Lost World: Jurassic Park - ***
Trial and Error - ***
Con Air - * 1/2
Speed II: Cruise Control - * 1/2
Batman & Robin - **
Face/Off- *** 1/2
Hercules - ***
Men in Black - ***
Out to Sea - **
Contact - *** 1/2
George of the Jungle - ***
Operation Condor - ***
Air Force One - ** 1/2
Spawn - **
Conspiracy Theory - ** 1/2
Steel - * 1/2
Kull the Conqueror - **
Excess Baggage - *
L.A. Confidential - ****
The Matchmaker - ***
Gattaca - ***
Starship Troopers - ***
Bean - **
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation - *
Anastasia - *** 1/2
Scream 2 - *** 1/2
Tomorrow Never Dies - ** 1/2
Titanic - ***
Jackie Brown - ****
Mr. Magoo - * 1/2

On video:

Alien Resurrection - * 1/2
Donnie Brasco - *** 1/2
The Game - ****
Waiting for Guffman - *** 1/2

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