The Love That Heals

by: Darlene


Hello, this quarter's finally over for me, so I finally have time to type (I really have been finding time to write this whole time, but I haven't had enough time to post). Anyway I figured it was about time that I posted more of The Love That Heals considering where I left off. I'll post again soon. I need to know which story oyu wan tposted next, the J&B Story, or The Love That Heals. Let me know. Well I'll let you read now.

Wishing for a J&B Reunion,


GH Angel - Keeper of Jax's love for Brenda

J&B Reuniter

J&B Angel/IRFC

Here's a reminder of what happened last time:

Back at the ranch, Oscar has his pants down, Brenda's skirt's off & her shirt is ripped open, as well as torn on the sleeves. Brenda is wiggiling around trying to find a way to get away & grab the knife, but her efforts are useless. Brenda continues to scream.

B: "Stop, please stop. Help, someone help me, Jaaaaaaaaaax, Miguel, help"

POutside, Jax & Miguel pull up. Jax jumps out of the jeep as soon as the engine's off.

J: "I'm going in first, if I'm not out in five minutes, call the cops"

As Jax runs into the ranch, he hears screams.

J: "OH god, please don't let her be hurt"

Jax continues running.

The Love That Heals - Part 4

When Jax gets to the living room he sees Oscar on top of Brenda with a kinfe towards her throat. Jax very cautiously walks behind Oscar & goes to grab the knife. As soon as Jax's hand is less then an inch from the knife, Oscar swings his head around, towards Jax. Jax struggles to keep his voice completely calm,

J: "put the knife down"

O: "If you move your hand any closer, I'll slice her throat"

Jax's eyes wander to Brenda, who has ters falling down her face at a rapid speed.

J: "Please dont' hurt her," {Jax's voice starts to break, no longer able to keep the clam in his voice, Jax continues} "I'll give you whatever you want, as long as ytou don't hurt her."

O: {The breaking of Jax's voice doesn't effect Oscar at all, except perhaps to make him more angry} "Why? So you can have her? So that once again you can have everything you want, while I stand by & watch? I don't think so" {Oscar laughs, seemingly amused with himself} "Maybe I should have her make love with me, right here in front of you"

J: "Your problem isn't with her, it's with me. Let her go & deal with me" {Jax leaves out his last comment of, "like a real man", because he realizes that it would only anger Oscar more}.

O: "No one's leaving!"

Knowing Oscar so well, Jax makes a quick decesion & pulls out his cellular phone.

J: "I'm calling the cops"

Oscar does exactlyt as Jax knew he would, he dashes towards Jax to get the phone outy of Jax's hand. Jax takes that opportunity to groab Oscar's wrists, & fight.

J: "You forgot that i know martial arts. Brenda, Go!"

B: "I can't"

O: "She's a criple, remember?"

Jax ignores Oscar's question & asks another one. Somewhat surprisingly, his voice sounds almost heart broken, definately betrayed.

J: "What did I ever do to you?"

O: "You always get what you want. Straight A's. all the girls, successful buisness, everything money can buy. All I ever got was your left overs. Well I'm sick of your scraps, this time I'm getting something before you get it. You didn't even sleep with her, but you didn't want me to either."

J: "It doesn't look like she wanted you"

O: "She's just stubborn, we were having fun & you interupted us"

The sickest thing is that Oscar actually seemed to believe his last statement. Jax suddenly realized how truly sick he was, this realization made Jax more determined then ever to get oscar away from Jax, no matter what.

J: "My god, tou really are sick"

With a few martial art moves, Jax manages to get Oscar outside. As soon as they're outside, Jax kicks Oscar to the ground & calls for Miguel to get a rope. Miguel comes & helps Jax tie Oscar up.

J: "Stay here, make sure he doesn't get away, I'm going to check on Brenda"

Jax gets up & runs back into the living room, unbuttoning his shirt". As Jax gets to the couch,he removes his shirt & hands it to Brenda.

J: "Here, put this on while I go get you blankets.

Brenda doesn't heaitate, she simply takes Jax's shirt & puts it on.

B: "Jax wait!"

Jax reaches towards Brenda's face. He hesitates for a brief moment, then wipes away Brenda's tears.

J: "What's wrong, did he hurt you? He didn't, he implied that he didn't, oh god!"

Brenda reaches over to Jax, who is now sitting beside her, she covers his mouth with her hand. When she speaks, her voice has reassurance in it.

B: "No, he didn't, but he would have if you hadn't gotten here when you did"

Brenda reaches over & hugs Jax, partly out of gratitude, partly to comfort herself, and partly to comfort Jax.

B: "Thank you for saving me"

Brenda uses all of her strength to pull herslef onto Jax's lap.

The feeling of Brenda on Jax's lap frightens him a bit. At first he doesn't know why, then he realizes it's because of his selfishness. As scared as he was when he saw Oscar ontop of Brenda, & as relieved as he was when he got Oscar out of the house, he felt neither scared nor relieved at that very moment, all he felt was attracted. Jax couldn't believe the thoughts going through his mind at that moment. There was Brenda on his lap, after she had almost been raped by the person that Jax, from the time he was in elementary school, had thought of as his best friend, & all Jax could think of was what it would feel like to make love to Brenda. All Jax wanted at that moment was to make love to Brenda, or at least kiss her. Then Jax remebered the blankets & decided that they could free him of these unwanted thoughts, or at lease relieve him of them, if only briefly.

J: "I'm goign to go get those blankets now"

Brenda looks into Jax's eyes,

B: "Jax"

J: "Yes"

B: "please don't. Stay here!"

J: "but your clothes, they're all ripped"

B: "please, just stay"

Out of a burning desire to know, and an attempt to get his mind off of his growing attraction to Brenda, Jax decied to get Brenda to talk about the nights events.

J: "What happened?"

B: "I can't talk about it right now"

J: "Okay, are you sure you're okay? You're shaking!"

B: "He scared me, where's Miguel?"

J: "Outside, do you want him?"

B: "No"

Jax notices a loood stain on his shirt.

J: "He cut you?"

B: "No"

J: "There's blood"

Jax points to the blood on hi shirt, not aware that it's his own. Brenda takes Jax's arm & examines it.

B: "Jax, you're bleeding"

J: "huh?"

B: "you'r earms bleeding, do you have bandages"

J: "In the bathroom"

B: "bring me there"

J: "Now?"

B: "Yeah"

Jax stands up with Brenda in his arms, with every intention of putting her in her wheelchair. Jax walks straight to Brenda's wheelchair, but never gets Brenda out of his arms.

B: "No Jax, in your arms"

J: "Okay"

Jax carries Brenda into one of the bathrooms.

B: "Where?"

Jax points to a cabnet.

J: "In there"

Brenda pulls out big bandages, handy wipes, and ace tape.

J: "Now where?"

B: "living room"

Once Jax & Brenda are in the living room, Jax tries to sit Brenda down on the couchm but she refuses & points to a chair on the opposite side of the room, that's convinetly big enough for two.

B: "Give me your arm" {Brenda doesn't give Jax time to give her hi arm, instead, she gently pulls in onto her lap}

J: "I'm fine, you're the one who should be fussed over now, not me. It's just a little cut."

J: "Lust let me do this for you"

Brenda cleans Jax's cut with the handiwipes, then bandageshis cut.

B: "Are you okay?"

J: "Yeah, you're the one I'm worried about"

B: "There's nothing to worry about, nothing happened"

For about ten more minutes, Brenda silently stays in Jax's lap, enjoying the comfort of being in his arms. A few times Brenda thinks of how odd it is that after almost beind raped by one man, the only thing she wanted, the only think gthat brought her comfort, was being in the arms of another man. Brenda had trouble believing the thoughts racing through her mind. The memories of the attempted rape that kept coming back, didn't surprise Brenda, but the thouhts about, and the strong desire, to kiss Jax, and even more surprising, to make love to Jax, were a complete shock to Brenda.