South Park Q and A

This is my new section on South Park trivia. I made all of these questions up myself and know the answers to every one. When you decide to test your knowledge of South Park mail me a form such as this
and so on. All you have to do is fill in the ---- with the correct answer. You should get this back within two days at the most. I may add questions to this page, but the way you are going to be graded is a percent. Lets say you get 5 out of 11 right, I will mail you the correct answers and grade it with a 45%. Your South Park teacher may be a little mad at first, but over time he/she/it will forget about it.


You are probably wondering what you get for a good score, right? This is what I will do, after I am done grading all of your answers I will pick the top scorer and put his/her/its name on the very top of my front page. Hey thats free advertisement for your knowledge of South Park. I do hope you take this challenge of the South Park Q And A. One more thing, if you don't know all the answers for the trivia don't mail me the answers. You know you won't be able to get your name on my list of people so what will it matter. And if you sure that one isn't correct don't email me until you find out the correct answer. Thanks, stretch.


1. What is the name of alien that mutilated the cow?
2. How did the Grandpa try to kill himself the very last time?
3. What is unique about the Statue of Liberty in the death episode?
4. How does Kenny die in the Big gay Al episode?
5. Who does Cartman say gave him Pink eye?
6. What style of fighting do Santa and Jesus fight in The Spirit of Christmas episode?
7. What is everyone in the class dressed up as in The Pink Eye episode?
8. Name the creators of South Park.
9. Who is the first person to be thrown up against the wall in the death episode?
10.What is the end of the genentic engineers cane?
11.How does the seismologist view the town of South Park as?
12.Who does Mr. Garrison dress up as on Halloween?
13.What was the name of the guy that created the non-christmas play?
14.Who is the lead singer from the cure that helped save South Park?
15.What causes Mr. Mackee to become fired of his job?
16.Who is Eric Cartman's Mother?
17.What is the name of the Genetic Engineer?
18.Who does the South Park Dodgeball team play in the World Championship?
19.What is attached to the school nurses head?
20.What is the name of the Terrance and Philip character who wears a garbage bag over his head?
The bonus question
What does Kenny Say in the Magic the Gathering Commercial?

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