`Ôlelo No`eau
Proverbs & Poetical Sayings
Ke kumu / Source: Pukui, Mary Kawena, `Ôlelo No`eau: Hawaiian Proverbs and Poetical Sayings, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawai`i, 1983.
This page is dedicated to ku`u kâne i ka `ili, Pila.
`Ôlelo No`eau: Aloha |
# 174A`ohe loa`a i ka hana a ke aloha. Distance is ignored by love.
#245 Awaiâulu ke aloha. Love made fast by tying together. Marriage.
#322 E kolo ana no ke êwe i ke êwe. The rootlet will creep toward the rootlets. Of the same origin, kinfolk will seek and love each other.
#332 E lei kau, e lei ho`oilo i ke aloha. Love is worn like a wreath through the Love is everlasting.
#392 Hâ`ale`ale i ka pu`uwai. A heart full to the brim (with love).
#536 He ali`i ke aloha, he kilohana e pa`a ai. Love is like a chief: the best prize to hold fast to.
#537 He ali`i ke aloha, he `ohu no ke kino. Love is chiefly, an adornment for the person. Uttered by Hi`iaka in a chant to the sister of Lohi`au.
#556 He `e`epa ke aloha, he kula`ilua. Love is peculiar; it pushes in opposite directions. Loves goes two ways--to love and to be loved.
#683 He kêhau ho`oma`ema`e ke aloha. Love is like cleansing dew. Love removes hurt.
#804 He manu ke aloha, `a`ohe lâlâ kau `ole. Love is like a bird--there is no branch that it Love is an emotion shared by all.
#813 He mea aloha `ia ke kâne i ka `ili. The husband of the skin is to be loved. One’s husband, who is as close as the skin of one’s body, should always be loved. The term for a husband who is always near, in joy and in sorrow, is "Kâne i ka `ili." Such a wife is "Wahine i ka `ili." |
#852 He `ohu ke aloha; `a`ohe kuahiwi kau `ole. Love is like a mist--there is no mountaintop Love comes to all.
#862 He `olina leo ka ke aloha. A joyousness is in the voice of love. Love speaks in a gentle and joyous voice,
#936 He pûnâwai kahe wale ke aloha. Love is a spring that flows freely. Love is without bounds and exists for all.
#978 He waiwai nui ke aloha; o ka`u no Love is a great treasure which I cherish. A common expression in chants and songs.
#1025 Ho`i hou i ka mole. Return to the taproot. The return to love and loyalty for kith and kin after
#1075 Ho`okâhi no kaunu like ana i Waialoha. Together there will be friendliness at Waialoha. The enjoyment of friendliness by all. Wai-aloha (Water-of-love) is a place on Kaua`i. When mentioned in poetry it refers to love and friendliness.
#1165 I ho`okâhi kâhi ke aloha. Be one in love. Be united in the bond of affection.
#1166 I ho`okâhi ka umauma, ho`okâhi ke aloha. All abreast together, one in love. All united in harmony and love.
#1190 I ka noho pu ana a `ike i ke aloha. It is only when one has lived with another
#1284 Ka `elele leo `ole o ke aloha. The voiceless message of love. A letter bearing words of love and cheer.
#1434 Ka lau `oliwa a ke aloha. The olive leaf of love. A gift, kindly given. From the story of Noah’s Ark.
#1452 Kama `ia ke aloha a pa`a i loko. Bind love that it may remain fast within. Be a person who knows love.
#2453 O ke aloha ke kuleana o kâhi malihini. Love is the host in strange lands. In old Hawai`i, every passerby was greeted and offered food
#2523 `Ono kâhi `ao lû`au me ke aloha pû. A little taro green is delicious when love is present. Even the plainest fare is delicious when there is love.
#2649 Pili kau, pili ho`oilo. Together in the dry season, together in the wet season. Said of a loving companionship.
#2750 Pû`olo waimaka a ke aloha. Tears (are) bundles of love. Love brings tears to the eyes.
#2786 Ua hilo `ia i ke aho a ke aloha. Braided with the cords of love. Held in the bond of affection.
#2807 Ua kuluma ke kanaka i ke aloha. Love is a customary virtue with man. Man encounters love daily.
#2836 Ua ola loko i ke aloha. Love gives life within. Love is imperative to one’s mental and physical welfare.
`Ôlelo No`eau: Ipo / Sweetheart |
#92 `Akâhi ho`i ku`u `ono i ka uhu ka`alo Now I long for the uhu fish that passes before my eyes. How I would like that handsome fellow for a sweetheart.
#352 E mana`o a`e ana e lei i ka A wish to wear the lehua of Mokaulele in a lei. A wish to win the maiden. Lei symbolizes a sweetheart,
#673 He kâpili manu no ka uka o `Ôla`a A birdcatching gum of the upland of `Ôla`a that Said of one who holds the interest and
#1020 Hoa pûpu`u o ka pô anu. A companion to crouch with on a cold night. A sweetheart or spouse.
#1418 Kâkia kui nao a ke akamai. The nailing down of a screw by an expert. A boast of skill in securing something and holding on to it. This saying is taken from an old love song in which the singer claims
#2115 Makua keiki i ka poli. The child in the heart has grown to be a man. Said of one who loved as a child and finds his love reawakened
#2347 Nui ka hanu o Limahuli i Heavily-sighed Limahuli falls over the Said of a person in love who sighs over a sweetheart.
#2454 O ke aloha o ke ipo, he wela ia no ke kino. The love of a sweetheart is like a hot fire in the body.
P&E #115
Ua `ai i ke kâî koi o `Ewa... Having eaten of the very choice taro of `Ewa... Said of a sweetheart one can’t forget.
P&E #226 Mehe ipo lâ ka maka lena o ke Ko`olau. Like a sweetheart is the yellow flower From a chant.
`Ôlelo No`eau: |
#109 `Ale mai ke aloha kau i ka maka. Love comes like a billow and rests before the eyes. Said of an overwhelming love that leaves a constant yearning,
#159 `A`ohe kanaka i `eha `ole i ke aloha. Nobody has ever missed feeling the pang of love.
#183 `A`ohe manu noho i ka lipo e No bird of the deep forest can escape his snare. Said of a person who can win the love of anyone he chooses.
#225 `A`ole e `ôlelo mai ana ke ahi ua ana ia. Fire will never say that it has had enough. The fire of love (or anger) will burn as long as
#272 `Eha i ka `eha lima `ole a ke aloha. Smitten by love, with a pain administered without hands. Deeply in love.
#333 E lei no au i ko aloha. I will wear your love as a wreath. I will cherish your love as a beautiful adornment.
#418 Hâko`i wai a ka neki. Water agitated among the rushes. The throbbing of the heart of one in love at the sight
#517 He `ai kuli ke aloha mai na kûpuna mai. Love has had a deaf way of its own since A person who is very much in love often does not heed counsel.
#678 He kauwâ ke kanaka na ke aloha. Man is a slave of love.
#750 He lele pâ iki--ke aloha kamali`i. A light touch--so is love among children. Children may imagine themselves in love, but it is only a passing fancy--puppy love. Not so is the love of a mature person.
#749 He lele pâ iki kau ka mana`o; ke aloha kamali`i he lalau no. (An adult) lets his fancy take flight and touches lightly while a child lover reaches out directly. An adult lover dreams, plans, and gently woos;
#765 He limu ke aloha, he pakika i ke one o Mahamoku. Love is like the slippery moss on the sand of Mahamoku. One can fall in love before s/he realizes it.
#785 He ma`i pi`i ali`i ke aloha. Love is a disease that does not even spare the chiefs.
#927 He pûhi ke aloha, he i`a noho i ke ale. Love is like an eel, the creature that Love makes one restless in the mind, like the writhing of an eel.
#1012 Hiu a wela, lawe a lilo! Strike when hot, and take it away! Make passionate love and take possession.
#1017 Hoa kîhei pili. A coverlet companion. Said of a person with whom one is having an affair.
#1234 I mânai kau, i pua ho`i ka`u, kui `ia ka makemake a lawa pono. Yours the lei-making needle, mine the flowers; so let us do as we wish (make a complete lei). You, the man and I, the woman; let us satisfy the demands of love. Said by Hi`aka in a chant as she embraced Lohi`au at the rim of Kîlauea to rouse the jealous wrath of her sister Pele.
#1240 I nanea no ka holo o ka wa`a i ke One can enjoy a canoe ride when the paddler is skilled. A sexual union is successful when the man knows how it is done.
#1500 Ka nîoi aku ia e welawela ai ko nuku. That is the chili pepper that will burn your lips. Said of one whose lovemaking is like the fiery taste of
#1755 Ke kope ho`ohia`â maka o Kona. The coffee of Kona that keeps the eyes from sleeping. This saying applies not only to coffee, but also to love.
#1867 Kuhi no ka lima, `âwihi no ka maka, o ka loa`a no ia a ka maka onaona. With a hand gesture and a wink, an attractive
#1994 Li`ili`i kamali`i, nunui ka `omo`omo palaoa; li`ili`i pua mau`u kihe ka puka ihu. Small child, but a big loaf of bread; small blade of grass, but it tickles the nostril enough Once said by a chiefess in praise of a teenage boy with whom she had an affair, this became a humorous saying throughout the islands.
#2001 Like no lâua me Limunui. He is like Limunui. Women fall in love with him as easily as gathering limu (seaweed). This was said of Kahalai`a, a chief who was very handsome and kind.
#2433 O ka papa he`e nalu kêia, pahe`e i ka nalu ha`i o Makaiwa. A woman’s boast. Her beautiful body is like the surfboard on which her mate "glides over the rolling surf."
#2455 O ke ao aku noho`i koe, `âina `e ka hâuliuli. It was almost day when the hâuliuli fish One was just about giving up hope when the person he/she was angling for showed some response. |
#2463 O ke ku hoe akamai no ia, he pi`ipi`i kai`ole ma ka `ao`ao. Said of a deft lover.
#2660 Pipili i ka hana makamaka `ole, ho`okâhi no makamaka o ke kâunu a ka mana`o. Sticks to the work in which friends are ignored; only one friend is considered, the desire of the heart.
#2797 Ua ka`a niniau i ka wili wai. Swirled about by the eddying waters. Dizzy from being madly in love. Also, intoxicated.
#2805 Ua kohu ke kâunu ana i Waialoha. Lovemaking at Waialoha is suitable. The match is good; the course of true love should be encouraged.
#2883 `Upu mai nei ke aloha. A sudden yearning to see a loved one.
#2914 Wai o kâunu. Water of love. The thrilling effects of being in love.
#2931 Welawela ke kai o ka moa. Hot is the broth of the chicken. Said of a person who is potent in love. Like hot chicken broth
#2936 Welo ke aloha i ka `ônohi. Love flutters to and fro before the eyes. Said of a longing to see a loved one whose image
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