I'm also very strange when it comes to love. I insist that all my men wear the same shirt.

Ah, Dave. He wanted so much more though. Children, all of my love,
marriage and forever together. But he kept borrowing my earrings and
constantly left the toilet seat up. So he's history. I miss him though.

Being on the rebound, I fell for the first guy that paid attention to me.
I should have known it wouldn't work out. He used HAIR SPRAY.

A wonderful man. But one day, I caught him kissing Dave.
I'm the jealous type you know. I wanted to be in the middle!
Needless to say, it's over and now I'm all alone. It's been hell since the divorce.
The dating game sucks, and I have to take out my own trash!

Now that I'm througherly depressed, send me back to Cheri's Home Page.