
Borris the Dinosaur Borris the Dinosaur is a very simple minded creature. It doesn't take too much to make Borris happy or to make him sad. One of Boris's ver favorite things to do is to eat people. The simple feat of swallowing a person whole is one that Borris is hooked on.

Borris first appeared in 1995 in a Hypercard Animation. In his debut feature he bounded in, ate a person, and continued to chew on him. At this point Borris was Happy. Then his head spun off and fell on the ground. This made Borris sad. That was pretty much the animation. He appeared in two more animations in 1995 where he chased after slow, wadling people, and ate them. This made Borris Happy. After that, he was run over by a huge bicycle, had his legs torn off by a speeding car, had a bomb thrown at him, and was crushed by a gigantic anvil. All of which made Borris sad.

You might wonder how a dinosaur could be in the same time period as people. Well, we could just say that it is a cartoon and not actually real life. Instead we created a brilliant, creative background for him. You see, there were a bunch of scientists who extracted Dinosaur DNA from prehistoric mosquitos encased in fossilized amber. They then applied modern methods of cloning and created a bluprint of a dinosaur. The problem though with 65 million year old DNA is that it is full of holes. Thinkin' machine super-computers helped the genetecists break down the strands and fill in the gaps with the complete DNA strands of Barney. Now they had a creature, part 12-ton prehistoric killing machine, and part stupid purple dinosaur.


Name: Borris the Dinosaur
Age: 7
Place of Birth: Pangea
Favorite Color: blood
Pet Peeve: Polyester
Least Favorite Pet: Cats
Height: 1.2 telephone poles
Weight: 12 tons


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