Picture Gallery
Picture Gallery One
Gallery Two
Gallery Three
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Here is some of my High School artwork.

Amelia Earhart

This is my picture of Amelia Earhart. It is done completely in pen and ink, each of the squares in the background is hand rendered with a different design for each square. The face is stippled. This project took me 4 weeks to complete and won several competitons.

How'd You Get Out There?

This work was done with Q-tips on canvas and has won several awards and is now hanging in the United States Capital Building, Washington D.C. I have photos of the trip at the end of the gallery.

The Brother

This is a computer enhanced photo of "The Brother" I made this piece in the early part of 1999, It won first place in regional and got third in state competition. It is now property of a certain AIP office worker.

the parking lot

This was truly stunning. I drove around downtown for 20 min. and got a parking spot less then 200 feet from the Capitol Building. My congressman was stunned that I was able to get them to let me park there... he can't even park there.

Under the street

Yep here is a picture of the cow in it's present field. With a herd of around 300 other winners of their district congressional art award. Although mine was the only one mentioned in the Congressional Record... it was used to help try and get funding for The Endowment for the Arts

My Congressman's office

Here I am, this is the first time I ever met my congressman. Oh well I did not vote for him, but he is a nice guy, he liked my art... that is good enough for me.

Wow! It's the Original Big Nation!

This was at a party for all the winners and anyone else off the street. The guy dressed up in the red, white, and blue was some hobo off the street. He begged us to take a photo with him after which we took him outside, beat him with our water bottles and stole his camara.

At least this gives you some idea how big it is.

Here is a live video feed of the congressman's wife having a stare out with my cow...

Last Updated: Dec 2000