
Many things interest me.  Games, movies, music, etc etc etc.  However there are few things that actually stick in my mind that pursue my thoughts wildly.  Nature is one and the Native American cluture is another.                                     


Little Beach

Little Beach

I love beaches.  At nifght mainly because here in Daytona, there's no beach in the daytime (only an ocean of sun-bathers).   At night the beach is Serene with the sounds that the water makes on the sand as it washes ashore, then slides back out to sea.  Ith's a soothing sound.

At heart I am a Native American Indian.  I have Blackfoot in my blood, and i honor that part of my anscetry to the fullest extent.   I totally agre with the teachings of the Native American People, and i would do my best to learn more and more about it as my future grows more perceptible.  I, myself, have been on a vision quest and found my spirit helper.  The Coyote has helped me since the time when i was 9.  I have also earned the surname Leaping Coyote from my friends from my behavior.
