Welcome to our Karate Page!

Here you'll find pictures of our progress as we study Yoshukai Karate at the Master's Karate School in Florida!

Studio Pictures!

All Three of Us!

Here's a picture of all three of us taken last October at our karate school.


Although he just turned 13, Danny's already as tall as I am at 5'10" tall. He's got a serious axe kick, and very, very fast hands. Having sparred with him on occassion, I can tell you that he hits as hard as he kicks! Danny's currently a purple belt, and is ready to test for his green over summer vacation. As good as his katas look, I'm sure he'll have no problems making it!

Dylan aka "The Man"

At almost 9 years old, Dylan has the best kicks in the family. He had to hold this kick for almost 30 seconds while they struggled to get the picture. That's tough, but then, he's a tough guy... Dylan is a yellow belt, and should test for his purple this summer. He's also very fast with his hands, proving that you don't have to be huge to be effective!

We'll be adding pictures as soon as we can!

[Hope you enjoyed your visit! Feel free to write!]

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