Our Picture Page!

Just in case you're curious, this is where you can see some of our favorite people. We're currently putting together pictures and information about friends and family, and will be posting it all very soon!


Terry and Lisa

Well, this is us, Terry and Lisa. We've been married over 12 years and have 2 wonderful boys, Danny and Dylan. I work in aerospace as an electronic systems specialist, and Lisa is a "retired" psychiatric technician (please, no more jokes about how we met...!) We live in Central Coastal Florida and love camping, boating, lounging in the jacuzzi, and spending time with our friends. Luckily, the area we live in is perfect for camping out either at the beach, or near one of the large rivers of the Intercoastal Waterway! And now that we've got a great boat, we'll soon be enjoying some of the readily available seafood around here! Feel free to E-mail us!


This is our oldest son Danny. He loves karate, bouncing around on the trampoline, pizza, playing piano, reading books, and playing with his friends! He recently attained the rank of "ro-kyu" in Yoshukai karate, and is currently training (along with his Dad and younger brother Dylan) with World Champion Mike Smith. He often surprises us with his intensity and willingness to learn. He also loves all video games, but especially likes Nintendo64 games. He's had every Nintendo system made at one time or another, and is always searching for game codes and cheats.


This is Dylan, our youngest. This picture was taken a couple of years ago during Christmas at a cabin in the Sierras. He had a ball, since it was his first trip up to the snow, and there was plenty of it! Dylan is probably the most car-crazy boy in history! He loves Hot Wheels, candy, drawing pictures, coloring, and playing video games with his brother! He also is very active in Yoshukai Karate and is a very quick learner with a lot of energy! He loves anything on the water and fishing with his Dad!



Scott's Bio:
Scott Brick is currently living out his life's dream: he's a professional fire-watcher. A burden on society. A bum. No job, no prospects of finding one, and no desire either. A fixture on the relief line circuit, a gourmet chef with government cheese.
How's that?
But seriously folks... Life's pretty good at the moment. I just finished doing a stage version of Robin Hood for a standing-room-only crowd of 2100 in downtown LA which was really a thrill. Got to play Errol Flynn as Robin Hood in front of Flynn's own kids, who were in attendance. As for current employment, I'm still reading a ton of audiobooks. Finished one about two weeks ago, probably close to fifty of them I've done now. And I'm in a holding pattern to do another one, this one in NY. I was supposed to be there already, but they pushed it back a month or more. I'll still do it, but I'm just waiting to find out when, unfortunately.
My writing work is keeping me busy, as well. There are actually quite a few production companies in town that've just read my Rama script and are calling to see about doing something else with me. Love that. My managers and I have already pitched to James Cameron's production company, and next up comes Scott Free Productions, which is Ridley Scott and his brother Tony's company. Dean Devlin from ID4 just formed a new company and apparently they want to meet me to pitch them some stuff. So even though it's only talk, it feels good because it seems as though things are progressing. I'm still working on a TV movie I've been writing for about 18 months now. I finished the first version, then suddenly they decided they wanted to try it in a whole different genre. So this Bible epic just became a Sci Fi tale. We'll see how that transition works...
Even though I gave up writing articles a year and a half back, I just did another. (My tax guy said to do one a year or so, just so I could keep the same deductions.) Well, a toy magazine called and asked me to interview Stan Winston, who created the dinosaurs for all three Jurassic Parks, the Terminator, Predator... the most famous monsters in movie history. So I said yeah, what the hell? His studio's only a few miles from my house, I'll do it. I sat there with the guy, surrounded by the original life-size Terminator, Predator and dinosaurs that were used in the films. That was awesome.

Okay, that's about it. Gotta get back to that life of indolence I described in the first paragraph above.

C'mon, we both know that's the better story, right?

Best, Scott

Tim and Jana

Tim has been one of our good friends for the last 20 years. Tim comes from a huge family (10 kids!), and has a real sense of what "family" is all about. He and Jana were married August 15th, 1998, the day after Tim's birthday (he'd better not EVER forget his anniversary!) It was a beautiful wedding (and NOT just because I was in it...), and they are a wonderful couple. Both Tim and Jana are teachers in California, and love working with kids.

Paula and Ray

Here's Lisa's best friend Paula and her boyfriend Ray.

Do you have a favorite picture that you want the whole world to see? Send it, and a paragraph or so of what's going on to us by clicking on the mailbox below!

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