Special Thanks

Mom&Dad Thank you for letting me born in this ... world ^^;;. If no them , there won't be 'Amethyst Purple' , right? (Especially my mom , she is VERY VERY kind and can understand me very well.)
Note My only one brother... Always giving me good advices in creating 'Amethyst Purple' and being my friend too.
myrrh - Oat My good friend that helping me many many things... Can't type all here...(It's too long ^^;;)
Shinkirou - Tonx Thanks for lending me some CDs such as DEG,LAREINE,Raphael,Pierrot and BAISER. And also for your fast info too.
Mackt Thanks for letting me use your CDs and Videos to contribute many Real Audio and Real Video files
IZAM - P'K+ One of my helper ^^;; Helping me registering for GEOCITIES account to keep RA and RV files and editting lyrics pages.
P'Haew Thai student in Japan. Helping me buying CDs from there.
Boykun I had a very good time in Japan. Doumo!!
Tetsuya Kidani The first X-Japan's fan I knew. Thanks for everything...
FROZEN BUG Thanks for teaching me to do RA online.
Everyone in IRC Let's chatting!!!
Everyone in pantip.com I still remember all of you!
Everyone from 'The Palace' The first place I really feel warm when chatting... Hope we can go back to the past...
Clever Family I'm very happy that I have many good sisters and brothers Y_Y I know you all must feel the same.
LUNA SEA&GLAY Thanks for producing many great songs and giving me many inspirations.
hide The greatest guitarist in my heart...
All of You... Thanks for visitting my Homepage ^_^

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