The City of Angels

Hey! It's been a while, but I finally got to mess with the site.
It's been about a month since I've moved to San Diego.
MAN! I was so homesick the first week. I couldn't believe how much a city could affect you!
How am I liking it? Shnaps! I ain't, but I know I gotta stick with it.
I'll try to transfer to LA or Cal in two years, if the grades are all right.
I just finished my first set of midterms...got them again in bout three weeks. I know how to prepare for that mess now.
Freshman 15...yeah, I need to start running again to avoid that. Me and Yang are being fat farts out there. Haha.
I'll cut the message short, but I'll holla at y'all later.
Check this out.
"Need melly, hit the celly."
And another quote for ya from Shelby, "LOS ANGELES IS THE BESTEST CITY EVER!" :p

Fairfax High Prom 2002
Ladies & Gents

Senior Environmenal Trip

Fairfax High Graduation 2002 --- Family Pic

My Gift To Rachel
Happy Birthday!
August 6, 2002

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