Gilbert Flute Choirs

Seven years ago, a highly talented group of 6th grade flute players banded together to form a choir. Although the majority of those first rehearsals were spent gossiping and giggling, the group rapidly rose to fame within the Gilbert area. We are now world famous, having appeared on Joe Pinner's Mr. Knozit Show, WIS Live at Five, in Columbia's Five Points, and at various churches and community clubs in and around the Gilbert metropolis.

The original members have just graduated from Gilbert High School and are moving on to various colleges and careers. Many of them traded in their trusty flutes years ago to pursue less sophisticated, but necessary instruments, such as oboe, french horn, baritone, saxophone(jazz band) and percussion. Several still play flute as their major instrument, and most are planning to continue their studies in music.

The 1998 GHS Flute Choir will miss the graduating members and would like to say a heartfelt thank you to Jennifer, Breana, Elizabeth, Laura, Kimberlee and Joni! It will be difficult, (I can't believe you guys have graduated...I feel old!), but we will somehow try to go on. Please feel free to come back and play with us at any gig this will always be welcome!

The 1998 GHS Flute Choir is now looking forward to a great season! Auditions will be held the first Monday after State Marching Contest, from 4-6pm and will consist of scales and sight reading. Rehearsals will be held every Thursday in November (except Thanksgiving!). Plan on a busy December! :-)

Email Mrs. Turner

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