Dublin 20th March 1999

Set List

Concert Review by Linda Holmes:

Another great concert! After the same support band (Picture House who are surprisingly good) we had a nice surprise as Kasim’s voice came over the tannoy to announce an additional support act of three young boys who were busking near their hotel. I think poor Kasim forgot their name as there was a long gap before he finally announced them!

I managed to take more in this time – the start of the concert is quite intricate and can easily be missed. During the interval you gradually become aware that as well as music being played there is the sound of rain. This eventually escalates into a full thunderstorm with lightening and thunder. Finally there is an enormous crack of thunder which results with all the lights going out.

At this point there is a frenzy of activity around the stage as loads of stage hands shine torches at the bank of speakers to give the illusion (quite successfully) that a major problem has occurred. This cumulates in several stage hands making their way to the sound desk which now has a cloud of smoke over it!

While all this is occurring in the middle of the hall, Meat Loaf walks on stage and starts singing No Matter What – it’s quite a dramatic start to the concert!

At this concert, as well as Kas singing solo in the first verse of Honky Tonk Woman, he also sang part of the Bee Gees Stayin’ Alive along with Meat Loaf!

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