Ahoy, Rotterdam 27th April 1999

Set List

Concert Review:

Back to another amazing Dutch audience – they have to be the most vocal group of people I’ve met! That made it all the more surprising that Meat Loaf didn’t come back on for the Rock’n’Roll additional encore. They certainly had enough time as the concert finished at 11.00 but maybe it was because it was a long drive the next day. Whatever the reason, it was a real disappoint as the audience certainly earnt it. Not only did the audience sing the second verse of Two Outta Three without any prompting but they also sang the slow line in Bat Out of Hell on their own.

It was another short Paradise with no talking (it’s so good to get back to just the music) and the bat made it’s re-appearance. I know some people think that the bat isn’t really necessary in a song that is OTT on it’s own but I’ve just come to expect the bat and it seems to provide a focal point for the song

Kasim was wearing all black at this concert, starting with his shorter (material) jacket with the fur collar and pockets. At the end of Life Is A Lemon, when they repeat Life is a Lemon and I Want My Money Back four times, on this tour in the fourth time Kasim sings “And I Want” then Meat Loaf repeats this and finally Kasim sings it again on his own but at this concert Meat Loaf came in too late with his line so poor Kasim couldn’t fit his second one in.

They changed the beginning of DeadRinger slightly at this concert. Usually Kasim, Meat Loaf, Ray and Damen are at the right hand side of the stage and Patti, Pearl and the wardrobe girl are at the left and they do a pick-up scenario with Kasim telling Meat Loaf to turn around to see the girls by doing a circular movement with his hand. In this concert he was actually shouting (or mouthing the words) “Meat Loaf” to him to turn around. As Meat Loaf was just swaggering exaggeratedly to the audience, he missed looking at them. When he spied them himself, he had a go at Kasim for not telling him!

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