Questions from Jessica Loera:
Q1: What is Palmer's title and what does he do?
A1: Easy, easy. Palmer is the Head of the Shinra Space Program and from what I have seen in the game, he pretty much does nothing.
Q2: What is Heidegger's title and what does he do?
A2:  Again too easy...Heidegger is Head of Public Maintenance and Order.  He is also the boss of the Turks and Rufus's right hand man! Yeah!
Q3: Who does each of the Turks like?
A3: Ok even though this is a pretty stupid and pointless question I'll answer it: Rude likes Tifa, Elena likes Tseng, Tseng likes Aeris, and Reno doesn't really say he likes anyone but there is speculation he likes Yuffie since she is the remaining female.
Q4: Which of the Turks are considered a drunk?
A4: What do you think I am...an IDIOT?  Reno is the drunk!
Q5: Who killed Zack?
A5: The answer is....first Sephiroth, then his clone is killed by Shinra soldiers. 
Q6: What town or city is each of the FFVII characters originally from?
A6: These questions get longer and longer.....Tifa and Cloud-Nibelhiem, Red XIII-Cosmos Canyon, Yuffie-Wutai, Barret-Corel, Aeris-Icicle Inn, Cid-Rocket Town, Vincent-unknown.
Q7: How old is Jenova?
A7: Jenova is over 2,000 years old.  (very very old)
Q8: Who are Aeris's biological parents?
A8: Hehehehehe........Professor Gast and Ifalna.
Q9: Who are Sephiroth's biological parents?
A9: 'Yawn'......the answer is LUCRETIA and HOJO!!!
Q10: What did Cloud think he was 5 years ago?
A10: This question doesn't make too much sense but the answer is Cloud thought he was a 1st Class SOLDIER.
Q11:  What weapon did Zack give Cloud?
A11: Ho hum....You bore me with such simple questions...the answer is the Buster Sword.
MORE Questions from Lisa K:
Q1: When going to the Mako Reactor in Cloud's past, what is written on Jenova's head plate?
A1:  Aren't I nice?  I even got the picture for you.   So there it is.
Q2: How many ribbons can be obtained in the game without using any w-item trick or gameshark?
A2: Okay you can pretty much get as many ribbons as you want for the following reasons....You can get one from the Temple of Ancients and Gaea's cliff, but you can also morph as many Master Tonberry enemies as you want into ribbons....that is if you're skillful enough...haha!
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