Questions from Angel-Samantha:
Q1:  On Tifa's date, explain the events that happen if you kiss the dragon.
A1:  Heheheh..........Well, the dragon turns into a pretty girl after which Cloud and the rest of the cast twirl off stage.  Tifa is left on the stage bewildered by what just happened.  I think that was my favorite mess up date.......
Q2:  Name three things that are in both ff7 and ff8.
A2:  Ah, a question that combines 7 and 8.  Chocobos, and the names Cid and Ragnarok all appear in both games.
Q3:  What does Vincent say to Hojo say before you fight Hojo?
A3:  Dialogue, eh?  I hate looking that up....oh, well he says "I was.....wrong.  The one that should have slept was..."  ".....You, Hojo."
Q4:  What is Sephiroth's last name?
A4:  Come on.  This one is soooo easy.  At least the dialogue question was a bit of a challenge!  Anyways, his last name is Hojo.
Whoa, it's been a while since I answered any questions....I guess that's what happens when you're sick.  Heheh.
Question from Cloud612:
Q:  Which WEAPON came out of the Northern Crater first?
A:  Crap, not another WEAPON question....I slipped up on the last one.  The Sapphire one comes out first.
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