Missing Addresses

Below please find a list of about 80 classmates, from 262 classmates total, of the West Deptford Class of 1984, of whom we do not have current home addresses for at this time. We are hoping that by posting a list of these people on your websites, information will be forwarded. Please email Lisa Proffitt or myself if you would like to be part of our next gathering. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Kim Vorndran

email addresses and phone numbers for Lisa and Kim.....

(Lisa) lproffit@home.com---(856)853-8885
(Kim) vorndran5@home.com---(856)848-3920

1. Dave Adams
2. Radhika Balendran
3. Frank Aquilonio
4. Dan Bilotta
5. Craig Brown
6. Brian Brickner
7. Tracie Burns
8. Donna Cary
9. Karen Cunard
10. Chester Dougherty
11. George Davis
11. Dottie DeAngelo
12. Byron Driscoll
13. Cheryl Eckert
14. William Erskine
15. Patricia Farrell
16. Bernice Ferris
17. Michael Finnegan
18. Philip Fisher
19. Richard Galanti
20. Patricia Garrity
21. Stacey Harden
22. Shawn Hecker
23. Holly Hennessy
24. Theresa Hudson
25. Michelle Johnson
26. Daniel Jones
27. Kristan Keenan
28. Chris Kelly
29. David Kerr
30. William Kesel
31. Dean Kline
32. Michael Korbel
33. Brian Krug
34. Charles Latwinas
35. Charles Leeds
36. Janet Lesser
37. Richard Mack
38. Gina Martin
39. Kara McCloskey
40. Dean McFadden
41. Marty Morgan
42. Kevin Murray
43. Raymond Myers
44. Joe O'Connell
45. Allen Ogram
46. Tom Phelps
47. Robert Poulos
48. Diann Platt
49. Trudy Powers
50. Carol Ricco
51. Beatriz Rojo
52. Troy Rowen
53. Kelly Sadler
54. Paula Schultz
55. Trang Seamster
56. Michael Shaw
57. Darren Smith
58. Lisa Smith
59. Ronald St. Clair
60. Deborah Thomas
61. Lawrence Thomas
62. Maria Thomas
63. Sean Titley
64. Brad VanNostrand
65. Kevin Weikel
66. Steve Wilkinson
67. Heather Wilson
68. Suzannah Woodley
69. Karen Wren
70. Thomas Cantz
71. Tim Connor
72. Cindy Couse
73. Dan Coyle
74. Mitchell Czoch
75. Tammy Edwards
76. Greg English
77. Kelli McKinley
78. Andy Pennock
79. Tom Sivel
80. Vince Dexter
81. Philip Watts
