Welcome to my Guestbook.

CJ TICKETS - 04/29/99 14:43:41
My URL:http://listen.to/cjtickets
My Email:cjtickets@cheerful.com
Type of Business: Sport/Concert Ticket Service
How did you find my page?: Search on Web
City: Los Angeles
State: CA
Country: USA

You did a great web page for us! Thanks!

LOVELY TREES - 10/13/98 02:30:25
My URL:http://www.lovelytrees.com
My Email:lovelytrees@lovelytrees.com
Type of Business: Cut Throat
How did you find my page?: Altavista
City: Chicago
State: IL
Country: USA


Real Acid-Jazz and Funk From Chicago!!!
If you like, drop us some email, any time at
Everybody Get Your Love Going Solo I Can't Leave My World Peace Of Mind Shame Time Pig Trust Me 
Studio Recordings Live Shows Upcoming Show Dates and The Latest News Band History and Goals Fairytale Records Guestbook Interviews Freaky Vibes Productions Photos Lovely Links Homepage 
OR, Just give us a telephone call at (847)317-0421, The LOVELY TREES HOTLINE!!!!!!

Healthline - 10/07/98 07:02:16
My URL:http://welcome.to/healthline
My Email:healthline@cheerful.com
Type of Business: Money Making Publications
How did you find my page?: Websearch
City: Des Plaines
State: Illinois
Country: USA

Thank you for designing our website. We are very happy with it, and we have generated a lot of buisness through the web, thanks to you!

Chicago Rabbinical Council - 03/15/98 17:39:26
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/paris/8229
My Email:crckosher@juno.com
Type of Business: Beth Din / Kashruth Certification
How did you find my page?: Internet
City: Chicago
State: Illinois
Country: USA

Todah Rabah for setting up our website and email!

Dr. Mitchell Honig - 02/13/98 04:10:19
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/augusta/3588
My Email:toothdr@cheerful.com
Type of Business: Dentist
How did you find my page?: Internet
City: North Hollywood
State: California
Country: USA

Thanks for creating a great website for my business. It is much more than I ever expected!

Steve Arvey - 01/08/98 17:14:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/augusta/4733
My Email:SteveArvey@writeme.com
Type of Business: Music
How did you find my page?: On the Internet
City: Chicago
State: Illinois
Country: USA

Dear Doug, Thank you for the excellent, inexpensive website that you created for me. I really love it. Come out and hear me play live sometime soon! -Steve Arvey

Harri Stationers - 09/14/97 05:38:46
My Email:harrisstationers@writeme.com
Type of Business: Office Supplies
How did you find my page?: Websearch
City: Los Angeles
State: California
Country: USA

We'd like you to build us an on-line website, and we would pay you to advertise us on your website as well. Thank you for your immidiate attention. -Craig at Harris Stationers

07/06/97 05:25:23 GMT
Name: Clark Kent My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Type of Business: Superhero How did you find my page?: Websearch City: Chicago
State: Illinois Country: USA

I'd like you to create a homepage for me, please!

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