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Scouter Deryck's Scouting Plus Homepage File:

The Salvation Army Scouter*

Volume 2 No. 1 Summer, 2000 (on-line edition)

*Still an independant literary publication not associated with any Headquarters, Territorial or Divisional.

Where Has the Time Gone?

It has now been almost four years since the first issue of The Salvation Army Scouter appeared. Now, that may sound like a long time, but in fact, and sadly, there have only been two issues with this being the third. I've finally gotten my butt off the couch and moved it to the computer. I hope that this gets out to people, so if you find a copy of it in your hands, please let me know.

In the first issue I asked for submissions and ideas. I'm asking again. Give me some rough notes as to what your group has been doing and we'll let everyone know about it.

Scouters' Conference

As I have been corresponding with a couple of people about the lack of resources for Salvation Army Scouters; perhaps it's time we did something about it. Let's get together and spend a day, or a weekend, renew aquaintences and make new friends. I'm putting a date on the calendar now. Saturday, November 4, 2000. Location: Peterborough, Ontario. If you can make it, great! If this is a bad time, let me know and we can work something out. See the form on the bottom of this issue.

God Bless and Happy Scouting!

Come Join the Club!
The Salvation Army Scouter's Club, now online at:

Keep in touch and up-to-date at the only Salvation Army Scouter's Club on the web!

Baden-Powell speaks...

"We have set ourselves a noble task which only needs a spot of courage and persistence to carry it through to success. Let us tackle it, with all the joy of adventure in these dangerous times, to build up with the help of God, a valuable breed of young citizens for the future safety, honour and welfare of our Nation."

Awards, Part I

It was recently annonced in the War Cry, that Territorial Scout Director, Major Dirk Van Duinen, was awarded the Salvation Army's Scouter's Award. Congratulations, Major Scouter...or is that Scouter Major?

The Canadian Badgers Club

The Canadian Badgers Club is 25 years old this year. As a member, you receive a quarterly newsletter that contains information on new badges and upcoming events. If you like to collect and trade badges, why not join? It's only $13/yr.

Did you know...

...that the 1993 Lakeridge Region Chief Scout ceremony was held at the Salvation Army Temple in Oshawa and that 33 Pathfinder Scouts received their awards that night?

Awards, Part II
Silver Cross (for gallantry, with considerable risk)

On August 6, 1997, dense lethal smoke suddenly engulfed disembarking passengers on the Bloor/Danforth subway line in Toronto. William W. Boyce (Oshawa, ON), a long-time employee of the Toronto Transit Commission, reacted quickly. His calm, reassuring voice repeated precise evacuation instructions, which ensured that passengers safely exited in an orderly manner, with minimum panic. Bill courageously risked his life to save others.

(From The Leader, p12 February 1999.)

Scouting in Peterborough

The Scouting year started off with the Brotherhood International Camporee, held on the the last weekend of September, in Morrisburg, Ontario. It was a fun time of badge trading and hanging out. And this year, I didn't get pooped on during opening ceremonies. (I wisely stayed inside my tent.)

We participated in the District Apple Day in October. It was a rainy day but at least we were inside.

Before Christmas, the Scouts visited the Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters and toured the Voyageur Canoe Company in Millbrook.

Three of us, Scout Eric, Scouter Cara, and myself, spent a rather wet day hiking during the March Break. Part of my portable stove is still in the river from where I dropped it. Mental note: metal is hot after you've cooked on it for 1/2 an hour.

Our Troop was asked to provide security for the District Cub Camp in May. Along with some other Scouts, we did a pretty good job.

As for the Beavers, they had a great year, too. They built, with some Scout muscle power (not to mention a few bruises) some bird houses. Along with the Scouts they played games, learned about all sorts of things from trees to birds.

Well, that's it for this issue. Hopefully the next one will have some photos and information from other groups out there. Have a great summer and stay tuned for our troop's trek down the Mississauga River, coming to a web site near you in a couple of weeks.

Scouter Deryck N. Robertson

Salvation Army Scouter's Conference~2000~
Please answer the following questions so we can plan for what to do this day. Submit on-line or contact me via e-mail at the address at the bottom of the page.

Is this date good for you? yes no
If not, what month would be better?
Would you need a place to stay overnight?
yes no

Suggestions for meals...
catered by Home League

Possible Discussion Topics
Camps, Divine Services, future joint social events, campfire ceremonies, reincarnating the Four-Fold Fellowship, etc...

Please add any further suggestions, or let me know if you would like to lead a discussion or present a topic.


Street Address:
Postal Code:
Email adress:

WANTED - Life-Saving Scout Memorabilia: badges, hat badges, flags, belt buckles, old uniforms, etc. Contact the editor at the address below. Next issue will feature photos of old SA Scout and Guard badges and belt buckles.

For a hard copy of this edition, please contact me at scouter@(nospam) (remove the nospam) or at:
The Salvation Army Scouter
c/o Deryck N. Robertson
975 Mount Pleasant Road
RR#2 Cavan, Ontario L0A 1C0

Suggestions are always welcome as are contributions.