From The Pastor

From Pastor
About Us


Greetings in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord:

I, Pastor H. Anthony Stephens, am delighted to welcome you to the Abundant Life Apostolic Church. I humbly, and with the greatest privilege, consider this church to be dedicated to the glory and purpose of God.

This can also be understood in the scripture that says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned." (St. John 3:16-18a)

Do you see it? To lose this is to lose everything. To gain this and to lose the wildness and temporary pleasures of this earth is to lose nothing.

Come now and experience your spiritual miracle, your destiny, your eternal adventure and excitement, your spiritual family, your peace with God, your spiritual rebirth and ultimate salvation.

Is this not glorious and powerful? It's all possible through faith in God, and his plan of salvation. (St. John 3:16-18)

Faith I say to believe the message of God; faith to praise and worship God with deep sincerity, intimacy and persistence for choosing you for himself. Faith to receive these things of which I speak, and all the high favors of God.

Summarily speaking, I and the Church are glad that you are here; and do pledge our allegiance to God. We also pledge our godly service and help to you; as well as all of the other beautiful people that God is sending in these closing days.

Forever yours in Christ,
Pastor H. Anthony Stephens


9545 Winton Rd.Cincinnati, OH 45231
Office phone:(513)521-7561
Pastor phone:(513)521-3061