Germany Tram Tickets Gallery

My collection of transport tickets. German tram tickets.



tram tickets from the collection of Juan Domingo

Eskerrik asko Juan Domingo


+ tickets

tram tickets from the collection of Juan Domingo

Eskerrik asko Juan Domingo



"Collection Lars F. Richter "

It shows a ticket issued by Hamburger Hochbahn Aktiengesellschaft = HHA = (the local tram, bus and underground railway company) just after the war (i.e. late 1940s). It carries a stamp in German that says "for prisoners of war only" and I think this means Germans that have been made prisoners of war but were able to move around the city. This must have been old people that served in the defense forces or other low ranking Nazi officials that were not a threat to the allied forces.
Danke Lars Richter



tram tickets from the collection of Juan Domingo

Eskerrik asko Juan Domingo