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Niss ab-Tymbrimi absu-Caltmour ab-Brma ab-Krallnith:

Intelligent sarcastic computer programs.  These intelligent machines have been designed by, and are being covertly uplifted by the Tymbrimi.  The Niss are already helping to prove that the that the Library is not neutral and that branch Libraries leased to Clan Tymbrimi have subtle deficiencies meant to put "undesirable" races (such as the Tymbrimi and Humanity) at a competitive disadvantage.  Niss machines usually project a small holograph of swirling color patterns whenever they speak.  These patterns are analogous to Tymbrimi and Tytlal empathy glyphs.  Humans are the unofficial Uplift Consorts for these Virtual sophonts, who do not have a right to exist according to Galactic Tradition.

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