Ann's Homepage


Since you ended up here, I guess you would like to know about the nut behind the wheel.
Right? ok here goes

I will tell you a little about myself, I am a 45 year old housewife, born in New London, Conn., but lived in Moline IL. most of my life I have one son that is almost 21, gone and married.

Well my passion is gardening, but I also love camping, fishing, baking, crafts, painting and building web pages, (still learning that one).

My husband (Craig) and I love doing things together, refinishing furniture, building small wood projects,
and last winter we bought an old Basstracker boat, in really bad shape, but over the winter we restored it better than ever.
we have had great fun, getting to use it this summer.

I am an electronics technician by trade, but
the shop I worked in closed, so I have taken some time off, and that's when I started taking a real
interest in webpage building.

I tried my first website about 1 year ago, got hooked and have done a few more sites since then, always a learning experience with each one.
never satisfied, I'll do better on the next one, guess that's the way it is.
If you have time, check out my garden websites:
Flower Gardening For Butterflies And Hummingbirds

I guess that's all I can think of, maybe I will add more later, or maybe not.

I hope you enjoy my Lake Applets, I never tire of looking at them or making them.

Thanks for stopping by
