Virtual Adept Icon
I do not keep a manditory log of everyone who enters my Home Sector. Anonymity is an important part of keeping the Web free. The following logons have been voluntarily recorded. None of the information here has been verified by me.


Alexander_Seldon - 11/30/00 03:41:19
My Email:Lexicon_VA@hotmail.com
Tradition: Virtual Adept (Chaotician)
Surfed in from: White-Wolf.com

Nice work. I like the rotes. Here, have one: "'I can never die' -Rob Zombie" Correspondence 2, Life 4, Entropy 1, Mind 5, Spirit 3, Time 4, Matter 2. Time to cause a timed Effect, Entropy to link it with a condition (in the effect of death, for example). Here's the fun part. Life and Matter turn your body to ash (or make it Prime to turn into motes of Quintessence), leaving no leftovers for the Black Hats and Mirrorshades to pick up. Meanwhile, Mind, Correspondence and Spirit send your entire personality, knowledge, and Avatar into the Digital Web, where you'll exist as an AI program until you get downloaded into a clone body (get one from a Son of Ether or steal one from Iteration X). Its expensive, but worth it. Good luck, Alexander Seldon "LEXICON"

Doctor Who - 10/07/00 01:14:47
My Email:bryce@telerama.lm.com
Tradition: Virtual Adepts
Surfed in from: Everywhere.


Chaosvisionary - 09/25/00 19:45:31
My Email:Ryo-Ohki@Dbzmail.com
Tradition: Cultist of Ecstacy
Surfed in from: Iowa...of all places

It's always fun to see what the Adepts are doing. Correspondence is one of my specialties, and the internet is a wonderfully coincidental medium. Keep up the good work. Kuraisenin Kappa

Lurks-Between-Bytes - 09/22/00 19:48:42
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/wuzzit/rage/index.html
My Email:lurker@werewolf.com
Tradition: Glass Walkers
Surfed in from: Ex Libris Nocturnis

The Weaver spirits whisper to me of other Powers that play in their domain, though this is the first evidence I have of your existance. Well met, Blake. We'll have to compare notes--I suspect we have a rivalry with the Leeches in common. Enemy of my en my, and all that... Lurks-Between-Bytes Warder, Caern of the Screaming Electrons

wulfepup - 09/14/00 14:51:19
My Email:if you need me, you'll find me.
Tradition: Verbena cum VA

Good work on your sector chummer! Blessed Be.

Zen Iggy - 09/14/00 02:14:31
My Email:mriffon@hotmail.com
Tradition: trust no one
Surfed in from: ICQ

IC: Sorry bud, first rule of survival trust no one outside of your cabal and even then be cautious. Anyway website is informative, but what about sleepers or suits finding it and what about online session of some mystick if ya now what I mean?

OOC: Hey man nice website. I like the theme you have. And I love the VAs too. I was wondering do you play online and if so where. I'm looking for a good Mage game to play in everyone here in my town are bigger into VtM and WtA than MtA.

Lady Darkeyes - 09/12/00 00:26:37
My URL:http://home.beseen.com/ladydarkeyes/hobbies/forgotton-secrets.html
My Email:ladydarkeyes@hotmail.com
Tradition: Wiccan
Surfed in from: Through the mysts

Greetings all.Just on my journey of gathering knowledge and thought I might drop in and say hi. Your page is great plenty of interesting info I will let my guild master(Archmage Penetgarn)know of this site for sure. Well I must continue me travels. Your welcome to come and visit in my realm if you so wish. Fare the well.

Binary - 09/09/00 18:52:56
My Email:adama@envy.nu
Tradition: Virtual Adept
Surfed in from: Northwest of Nowhere

Nice website. Lot's of good information. Peace.

_-=//^VaX-OF-SiN^\\=-_ - 09/09/00 03:17:48
Tradition: The Elite
Surfed in from: The Fish Bowl

great site

Silverwolf The Silverhand - 09/04/00 04:57:57
My Email:GreenKnight81625@yahoo.com
Surfed in from: white-wolf


Conio Carras - 09/01/00 01:12:34
My Email:ConioCarras@tx.freei.net
Tradition: VA
Surfed in from: WoD WebRing

IMHO your sector is the most "original" piece of work I've seen in a while. FWIW I'm glad to see theres at least one more Netizen using his/her wetware on the net as opposed to in Hamburger Country. WIBNI it happened more offen?

Irvine Dincht - 08/14/00 10:21:46
My Email:InYourFace_14@hotmail.com
Tradition: Euthanatos
Surfed in from: secter 1-13

i love this page...reminds me of like,the matrix,lol,im gonna make a web site soon,ill book bark this one and make a nice link up for them,then people can see how cool vertual adepts are :) well adios...*looks to the phone and phases away..*

Cmd^Falcon - 08/10/00 15:47:16
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/CmdFalcon/HQ.html
My Email:armyranger55@aol.com
Tradition: Virtual Adept
Surfed in from: CLASSIFIED

This is a rather simple site, and yet complex at the same time. I mean, one could go mad trying to deside what to think of this page. I like it!

UniversalEditor - 08/10/00 06:49:31
My Email:universaleditor@thevortex.com
Tradition: VA/SoE/Orph

Much useful data, an interesting collection indeed. My thanks

MAGE CF Post Hoc - 07/27/00 12:58:09
My URL:http://chade-fallstar.freeyellow.com/techno.htm
My Email:chade_fa11star@hotmail.com
Tradition: The Sons of Ether B-)>
Surfed in from: Paradigma Online

Nice place, Reminds me of home. B-)>

Mike - 07/22/00 07:23:46
My Email:threethreethree@usa.net
Surfed in from: White-wolf.com to Ex Libris Nocturnis to Hive of First Corruption

I almost wept with nostalgia at the format of your site. I had flash backs to copying BASIC prog out of books inoto my C64. Keep up the good page

Doctor Jeep - 07/15/00 20:17:17
My URL:http://www.luchs.at/
My Email:doctor.jeep@luchs.at
Tradition: Virtual Adepts
Surfed in from: Google Horizon Realm

Oddly refreshing grid sector you have here. This site managed to capture my attention for quite a while. Nice job for a Two-Bit Adept. Keep on! ;-)

jt_darkstorm - 07/12/00 22:24:00
My Email:jt_darkstorm@hotmail.com
Tradition: verbena


Grog - 06/28/00 20:11:21
My Email:grog@fidalgo.net
Tradition: Son of Ether

Requires further study

Stephenls - 06/13/00 04:23:55
My Email:stepehnls@hotmail.com
Tradition: Verbena (former ItXer)
Surfed in from: Ex Libris Nocturnis

Great site. I think that I'm going to use that list of Merits and Flaws for all my games, from now on. Now, if only I could get toner that works with my printer...

Andrew Masters - 06/11/00 14:01:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SiliconValley/Horizon/5384
My Email:cs0ama@hotmail.com

This is a cool page. Please visit my home page and sign my guestgook. :-)

Weaver - 06/09/00 02:54:37
My Email:Nope
Tradition: Virtual Adepts
Surfed in from: Guess.

Nice site, BUT you have a script problem that might need fixing. Check your Java script file, I think it's either corrupted or not linked properly. Ok, enough bitching.

Tatters - 05/28/00 20:26:31
My URL:n/a (revolving public terminals)
My Email:Tatters9@hotmail.com
Tradition: Hollow pesona non grata
Surfed in from: The Dark Spiral

Mr. Blake, Congratulations on an extraordinary sight. I had forgotten just how wonderful it is to be graphics-free and content-heavy. I'm curious regarding Mage Revised. After spending a few months asking myself "Might I be going retro incrementally?" I've come to the conclusion that the Revised Edition, to the extent it does anything at all, is an attempt to inject angst-gothiness to age, downplay the philosophical aspects of magick (now just magic), diminish the power and increase the vulnerability of Mage PC's (almost as if WW were angry at them for not fitting in) and redefine them closer to the hedge mages of Sorceror.

WW obviously thinks this will sell, though I'm not sure why. (On the other hand, I still don't understand the appeal of pro wrestling.) Another question; if one rejects the "Omnipresent Theoretical Observer" as a tool for disinguishing vulgar from coincidental, what replaces it? Given enough data, any act of magick appears vulgar, so by what perceptive standards can an effect be Coincidental? Thanks for your contributions, Tatters

Router - 04/27/00 06:22:51
My Email:CPotter706@aol.com
Tradition: Elite
Surfed in from: The Spy's demise

Great spinning you've done here, but whats with the 2d shit?

Lok-0 - 04/26/00 21:26:45
My Email:loki4269@hotmail.com
Tradition: virt-ad
Surfed in from: somewhere...

trashy graphics, nice neon glow sign, though... en taro adun, executor!

Vorox - 04/18/00 12:54:51
My Email:voro@redestb.es
Tradition: Virtual adept
Surfed in from: Spain

Good site

Dagon - 04/17/00 08:11:09
My URL:http://home.wanadoo.nl/serendipity
My Email:serendipity@wanadoo.nl


Saraquael - 03/25/00 21:50:40
My URL:nodda chance grimmer
My Email:saraquael@hotmail,com
Tradition: nadda *grin*
Surfed in from: can't remember...

Way cool layout... it is easily on eof the most visually keen sights i've been to in weeks... so simple, but it says everything... great content as well :)

wadsworth - 03/13/00 21:43:56
My Email:wadsworth@uswest.net
Tradition: Euthanatos
Surfed in from: -----

In regards to structured paradox, circular voicemail menus, and telemarketing would seem to be the obvious price we pay for the seemingly mundane telephone. (correpondance and mind, with the focus of technological equipment)

jpowers - 03/09/00 03:15:46
My URL:http://none yet
My Email:jpowers500@att.net
Tradition: Hermetic
Surfed in from: Zanzibar, originally

I'd read this page a while ago, but I came back because I appreciate the thought you put into your posts on WW's Mage Forum. Once I have enough experience with the system to run a game (I've been DMing other stuff my whole life, reading and arguing Mage for about five years (philosophy students live to waste time), and playing for like two months) I'll be back to take a look at your magick system. Sorry, I still like the k. jpowers

Wadsworth - 03/03/00 09:27:38
My Email:wadsworth@uswest.net
Tradition: Euthanatos
Surfed in from: Directly by bookmark

Hello, I was just messaging some old comrades, and being aware of your current Email related paradox flaw figured I could reach you here, without distubing your sleep schedule.; I just constructed a corkscew from a coat-hanger, and drank a whole bottle of Franz Reh Spatlase,(For the uncultured, that is a sweet German white wine) in six minute. please excuse any errors. Life has me down a bit for details ask hugh of the43 high hand. You ought to finesse your telephone long distance carrier into makinkg your rate affordable so you can call when it's convenient, without worrying about syndicate en anglements. -M. Wood

Mr.Binx - 03/01/00 13:45:41
My URL:http://directionless.org/
My Email:rush@directionless.org
Tradition: Virtual Adept
Surfed in from: Ascension Web-Ring

Most information wants to be free, but some of it just likes to hide (for fear of becoming overused and unwanted I suppose). Nice to know this info is here for people digging for it. Many thanks from a fellow V-dept.

Wadsworth - 02/24/00 07:04:06
My Email:wadsworth@uswest.net
Tradition: EuthanatosIthanatos let's not argue
Surfed in from: The Javaman's place

Sorry, I've been out of touch. I've had a rather Jerry Springer sort of year,

and as you can see from the new Email address, my arcane is still working. I've just been looking about, and I really like what you've done with the place. -M. Wood

WildKat - 02/11/00 23:03:38
My Email:Lythquiera@aol.com
Tradition: VA
Surfed in from: The Demise...

Nice Sector, Blake. In the process of finishing mine, should be done pretty soon, if you want to stop on by. Of course, it *is* a restricted sector, so I'll have to give you a tag first... That is, if you don't want a hard de-rez... At any rate, email me if you are interested. Otherwise, good work!

Jake Powers - 02/10/00 14:37:03
My Email:malkavian01@hotmail.com
Tradition: Virtual Adept
Surfed in from: Chicago, IL

Nice job man!

wyrmw00d - 02/01/00 21:52:48
My URL:nice fuckin' try
My Email:wyrmw00d@techie.com
Tradition: virtual adept
Surfed in from: evrywair


Jake - 01/02/00 20:04:02
My Email:jake@linkup.to
Tradition: Virtual Adept

I really like the format and flavor done in your web site. Very well done, good ingenuity.

Yu - 12/31/99 01:07:59
My Email:karate_fool@hotmail.com
Tradition: Akaskic Brotherhood
Surfed in from: Ander

Looking For Rotes!

Stunt Borg - 12/16/99 02:33:00
My URL:Still Restricted
My Email:Also Still Restricted
Tradition: Still Unlikely to Defect to One
Surfed in from: You Guessed It: Still Restricted

One further deficiency: your logon protocol does
not retain carriage returns input for the intent
of right justification. The resulting post reads
in a most cluttered fashion, unfortunately.

Otherwise, still a most rewarding visit. I still

Respectfully yours,
Stunt Borg
One World, One Truth, One Peace

Stunt Borg - 12/16/99 02:27:27
My URL:Restricted
My Email:Restricted ... contact can be left with pfh@u.arizona.edu
Tradition: Unlikely to defect to one
Surfed in from: Restricted ... proximate site locus in Information Analysis Relay j23

Uncluttered. Informative. Stylish, in a manner all
too rare in this era: conservative, sedate, subtly
nuanced. Overall: Effective. Pleasing. Worthwhile.

For both the compact hoard of data and the profile
of your intriguing psychology, I thank you. Should
your reserved, structured ever way desire comrades
of a perhaps more similar mind, do not hesitate to

Your extensive informational resources provide the
analyst with much food for thought, and a thorough
insight into your mindset, dedication, and notable
creativity. The only deficiency I notice is in the
realm of jest; there is subtle humor, do not fear,
but I feel that more could be included. Since I do
recall that such lack can be the result of overuse
of the Orbital Mind Control Lasers, I feel it wise
to encourage a reduction in the frequency of their
use in your district. You're welcome.

Your information has given me several ideas on how
I can handle some Adepts, and also an interesting
method to pursue the more martial arts. I will, in
all likelihood, convey many of these details to my
amalgam at our next briefing. Thank you once more.

I do believe I shall flag your site for referrence
in the future. Should my amalgam pursue the course
to establish a presence on the Web, a link to your
site would almost certainly be included.

Please forgive my tendency toward compulsive right
justification. Precision is next to perfection, in
the final analysis. Until we correspond further, I
Respectfully yours,
Stunt Borg
One World, One Truth, One Peace

Yoshi - 12/15/99 12:27:48
My Email:yosh@waika9.com
Tradition: Order of Hermes (Bonisagus House)

Your site is too cool

atomsplit - 12/10/99 04:41:06

This is a good site

bob - 11/19/99 23:53:13
My URL:http://www3.sympatico.ca/john.young4/yourpage.html
My Email:bob@mavican.com
Surfed in from: space

impressive. wouldn't hurt to be updated however! :)

El Ku-bong - 11/16/99 06:06:53
My Email:lsdisciple@disciples.com
Tradition: VA
Surfed in from: www.white-wolf.com

Lot's of great idea and references. i'll have to use some of the ideas, in my upcoming stories.

Bit Nine - 11/14/99 17:13:04
My URL:http://&5|24_$32/|*6((0|/
Tradition: Virtual Adepts
Surfed in from: Who says I'm using a computer?

Hmmmm... Well, everything appears to be in order here. Carry on. [Oh yeah, when I went to read up on your house-rules, I found an interesting similarity between short-term extended magickal actions in my house rules and your power/intensity system... So... er... Good work? Jeez, I've gotta get more sleep.]

Sarah R. Moore - 11/10/99 04:24:45
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/sarahrmoore/
My Email:sarahrmoore@hotmail.com
Tradition: Virtual Adept

Virtual Adepts Unite
And let us remember.... Macs are bad

Wyldcard - 11/06/99 21:21:09
My URL:http://memers.xoom.com/Wyldcard/
My Email:Wyldcard27@hotmail.com
Tradition: Corax
Surfed in from: Wherever the big waves are...

Kewl site. Keeps me informed on what's going on anyway. Keep it up!

Borg Queen - 10/29/99 21:21:26
My URL:http://Locutus-of-Borg.tripod.com/MagePage.html
My Email:locutus-of-borg@mailcity.com
Tradition: Iteration X
Surfed in from: BJ Zanzibar

Now this is downright interesting, Blake. It's good to have the location of this page (especially the part with the Merits and Flaws). I'll be sure to track you down for a visit. ((Feel free to put Locutus' and my page (Unimatrix 1) in your links.))

Pascalle - 10/29/99 08:30:22
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/vedika/
My Email:watering@usa.net
Tradition: marauder
Surfed in from: websearch

Site is awesome... Added it as a link to my links section... thanks!

Alan Drakken - 10/26/99 05:44:40
My Email:tukamo_angel@hotmail.com
Tradition: Orphan

Like the page, nice set up, Intrested more in the Virtual Adepts but limited on the information. send me anything you can help out with.

Horlix - 10/13/99 12:52:34
My Email:mail@Horlix.8m.com
Tradition: Virtual Adeptus
Surfed in from: Yahoo Search

Good, good... I like the style....

- 10/12/99 21:15:28


Winfred L. Penton, Jr - 10/11/99 19:03:22
My Email:Euthanotos572@hotmail.com
Tradition: Euthanotos
Surfed in from: Usenet


garrett, stpaulchntry - 10/09/99 20:37:01
My Email:nettatrends44@yahoo.com
Tradition: vertual adept
Surfed in from: stpaul twincities

thanks, for the forum . this library, due to some crakpots ideas about being sued, does not allow a direct e-mail from the sight, because they claim that entrys are dangerous and annonamouse, they disabled that, so everyone has to go through their e-mail ccounts first ..... not that i care........agin thanks for the forum

garrett,stpaulchntry - 10/09/99 20:29:36
My Email:nettatrends@yahoo.com
Tradition: vertual adept
Surfed in from: stpaul, library, twincities,

some recent research from the files, and i do mean, recent, right from the lab........... i have seen with my own eyes, that vampires can be awakened, it has to do with the book of nod, some small but overlooked discovery, that cain was awakened, by lilith "awakened," and though lilith, didnt suffer the curse that cain did, she helped him to a aken, what research has uncovered is that its the blood that was awakened , not the vampire ....... since vampires remain inbetween this world and the next by their death, and unlife, it is thought that paradox doesnt affect them because they are stuck that way thats why its the blood that has all the magic, the trick is to awaken the vampires' avatar, says so in the book, well a reference to it, the theory is that by wakening a dark avatar, the vampire can succeed in awakening his true magical powers, this is what lilith warned cain against. recently researchers, who wittnessed a conflagration in the s adow realm noted that the lord of that realm got involved ........ .......... the realm was so close to the horrizon realm and the umbra, that an avatar was accidentaly awakened only because of its unsaitiable curiosity, i believe the scrawled notes, mentioned the umbra beauty, known as lady beloi, or something, of that nature,. i assumed like everyone else, that avatars had to be connected to the soul of the mage ...... a part of the mage in some way, but it has come to my enlightenment, that thats not true, whos to say an avatar cant come to you, whos to say one does so are a collective soul, one whos soul fragments through a collective, (im going off on a tangent now) but there is a lot of hush -hush about the gangrel it happened to, and his sire, ( they are both questioning their existance, and reality )so would i, so it apears, that vampires can become awakened, not once(like for the lood) but twice, for the body itself..............

DiMwHiT - 09/30/99 04:42:29
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Keep/6961/index.html
My Email:bigsmartass@hotmail.com
Tradition: VA
Surfed in from: Search

Like the set up. Keep up good work. And remember... Any program while running is obsolete.

Aphor - 09/24/99 04:40:37
My URL:http://aphorshaven.com
My Email:yeti_246@email.com
Tradition: Marauder
Surfed in from: Some useless mage page.


Kushal - 09/10/99 02:07:12
My URL:http://www.white-wolf.com
My Email:lord_kushal@yahoo.com
Tradition: Euthanatos
Surfed in from: http://www.white-wolf.com

Nice Page Hacker Boy... Put the anarchy aside, I've got a sojourn for you to attend...ever heard of Agama Sojourn? Maybe you won't survive...never mind, it's time your wheel started turning...don't be scared it won't hurt at all...

Maccabeus - 09/07/99 22:13:20
Tradition: Sleeper

Lots of very useful stuff on these pages...I'll have to relay this stuff to Linda and her "Perceptive"....

The Paradox Pusher - 08/27/99 19:06:04
My URL:Down at the mo
My Email:frankiethefrank@hotmail.com
Tradition: Plenty, thanks...
Surfed in from: http://www.white-wolf.com

Hello. I absolutely love the style of this site, y'know. Wicked.

Susan Cole - 08/10/99 03:40:05
My URL:Do you seriously think I have time to do my own Home Sector, at this late date?
My Email:centralcommand@yahoo.com
Tradition: Still figuring that out...
Surfed in from: The deep umbra (don't ask, just TRUST me, okay?)

Just dropping a line to say "thanx" for the info. It would seem that my return was a timely one for people. Although, now that I'm back, so are my problems. The Technocracy knows that I'd return to the Boston area. They just didn't know where or when. I'm sure they aren't happy. I'd like to know I can count on your support in the future. I think I'll need it.

Medviah - 07/25/99 19:46:42
My URL:The darker side of Sears
My Email:Medviah@xoommail.com
Tradition: Cult of Ecstasy
Surfed in from: That place in everyones backyard that they never notice is really there and never actually step in that far of patch of grass for fear of spontanious erosion.

Its quite amasing that a site without any bells and or wistles has become such a nexus of the enlightened. Figures. Simpicity on the web creates traffic. Who would of guessed?

sleepyhead - 07/21/99 04:34:43
My Email:mb_vincent@hotmail.com

i like this mage page. i like the shiny shiny words. luv, yer friend sleepyhead.

VictorTugglebend - 07/13/99 14:32:00
My Email:VictorTugglebend@hotmail.com
Tradition: Solitaire
Surfed in from: Whitw Wolf Forums section

Cool site bud. Love that Zanshin rote, and some of the swords. Keep up the good work. @:o)<
Whitewolf, INC. - 06/28/99 04:26:13
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~wwdiecastcars
My Email:wwdiecast@usa.net
Surfed in from: Geocities

Have really enjoyed my visit to your pages, altho I must apologize for the intrusion if in fact this turns out to be one, I am trying to advertise my family business, Whitewolf, INC.

For now the majority of my pages are for the Die-Cast Metal Cars I sell but you can find a link at the bottom of the Die Cast page for the Graphics/Web Design portion of my business, in the near future there will be a page for the wood working that I do also. Please come visit.

Techk - 06/24/99 20:00:55
Tradition: Virtual Adept

Very cool site. I'll be coming here often for information. LONG LIVE THE NET.

kenobi - 06/16/99 07:44:55
My URL:http://www.ikm.museum.no
My Email:ow_kenobi@yahoo.com
Tradition: Malkavian
Surfed in from: The Net


Nathaniel DeLaurentis - 05/24/99 04:03:37
My Email:nate_delaurentis@hotmail.com
Tradition: Cult of Ecstasy

Damn cool site! Despite what most mages think, you Adepts seem to know what you're doing.

Maybe it's time I start looking into expanding my Chantry onto the Net!

Adan - 05/19/99 16:48:51
My Email:viper_ii70@hotmail.com
Tradition: Sons Of ether


Kram - Walhalla - 05/15/99 20:23:15
My Email:marcgf@arrakis.es
Tradition: Hollow ones

I thing that's incredible!

Peregrine - 05/11/99 06:15:39
My URL:http://users.codenet.net/peregringray
My Email:peregringray@codenet.net
Tradition: Orphan
Surfed in from: Serenity Grove

Hey, finally registering my visit, Blake. Still think this place kicks ass, one of the best VA sites around. Always look forward to your intelligence on the forum, glad when you pop up. I'm running out of stuff to say, sliante and away I go... =)

VECTOR - 05/01/99 22:36:51
My URL:http://www.unknown.com
Tradition: Virtual Adept
Surfed in from: NYC


Malcolm Price - 04/30/99 21:44:38
My URL:http://victorian.fortunecity.com/bolsover/21/whitewolf/
My Email:madartiste@yahoo.com
Tradition: Virtual Adept

Not bad. You've got some good stuff here. Interesting AND useful. What more could you ask for? ^-^

dePalma - 04/30/99 06:01:00
My URL:http://www.altoburgo.cjb.net
My Email:altoburgo@brasnet.org
Tradition: Virtual Adepts


zipnada - 04/28/99 16:40:23
My Email:zipnada@hotmail.com
Tradition: Hollow Ones
Surfed in from: Hmmmm, you know correspondence?

I'd like to talk to you about mixing Real Magick with RPG Magick. Email me sometime. White Raven "Ok. I use a lot of handles. "

Eric - 04/14/99 01:23:29
Tradition: None at this time

I love the site. Excellent layout, and really neat appearance. Keep up the good work.

BlackWolf - 04/08/99 19:55:31
My Email:not tellin@Aol.com
Tradition: none
Surfed in from: nothoin


Gwen (tracy) - 03/18/99 20:56:00
My Email:nosferatu.nin@juno.com
Tradition: Hollow One
Surfed in from: the net

I am very impressed with your site. It fits that tradition quite well. My current character was going to be a virtual ad. but I might make you next one one of them. Again, your site kicks butt.

Vincent - 03/05/99 04:04:22
My Email:Lord_magneto@hotmail.com
Tradition: VA
Surfed in from: Argentina

Great Work Pal! The poetry in the Epiphanies Section is the best way to describe whats to be a mage.(No itīs not) Your Ideas of Advanced Magic have helped me some (No they didnīt and we feel sorry for you, worthless mortal) Shut up!. Sorry my Shadow keeps speaking trough my fingers. Well have to log off, I sense some tracking in my line (come on let them come here, weīll show them) SHUT UP!!! Sorry Bye!!

Mojo - 02/10/99 01:02:01
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Cavern/6751/
My Email:Mojo@paradoxdirect.com
Tradition: Progenitor
Surfed in from: Massachusetts

Cool site. Mage is a great game with a lot of potential. Keep it up.

Mojo - 02/10/99 00:59:53
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Cavern/6751/
My Email:Mojo@paradoxdirect.com
Tradition: Progenitor
Surfed in from: Massachusetts

Cool site. Mage is a great game with a lot of potential. Keep it up.

-=POD=- - 01/27/99 09:54:47
Tradition: you don't know ? !
Surfed in from: the inside

btw: pea my will!

-=POD=- - 01/27/99 09:52:54
Tradition: guess . . . LOL
Surfed in from: the inside

hey Blake, some characters you attract! > > > > > > > > > > time for a message board > > > > > > > no sweat > > > Will!

Cyphers-1011 - 01/25/99 11:05:09
My URL:http://angelfire.com/mi/cyphers1011
My Email:questy@uplogon.com
Tradition: Dont think so...definite Technocrat
Surfed in from: the other page of course

nice place you have here...who keeps everyone so disillusioned that we cant work together? Is this a conspiracy? some day as rational enlightened beings we will look back on this and really understand where it all went wrong...what are they afraid of? ever wonder? as long as it doesnt blatantly interfere with ones ascension...what does it all really matter....isn't it all just a fragment of all that is, can be and was....thanks for the use of Time and Mind...Cyphers-1011

Erika CircuitBreaker - 01/23/99 14:45:54
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Dungeon/1198
My Email:LadyCyris@hotmail.com
Tradition: Virtual Adepts
Surfed in from: duhhh...

Hey, Blake. Finally decided to actually read *everything* on your site. Practically shorted out my keyboard drooling over all the neat stuff ya got! Seriously though...I've just *gotta* try out somea those rotes you got. Had to change my web page; some lamer got into my account and started fiddling around. Grr.. Wish I could put some real protection on the thing, but who knows who'd find out...I've had enough close encounters with HITmarks, thank you very much. Good work, man!

Zer0 eFFeCt - 01/22/99 05:53:09
My URL:http://welcome.to/Ground_Zer0
My Email:RealityHqr@aol.com
Tradition: Virtual Adepts
Surfed in from: Ascension Web Ring

I must congratulate you Blake on your excellent use of mundane technology to create such a spectacular site on our kind such as this one. Hopefully mine can be as kewl, but i must definetly say this page has achieved K-rad Eliteness.

Frankie\The Paradox Pusher - 01/19/99 22:05:50
My URL:http://www.pigletnet.demon.co.uk/www/frank
My Email:frankiethefrank@hotmail.com
Tradition: Ermm... Hollow One if anything
Surfed in from: http://www.white-wolf.com

Thanks for the comment about paradox, that rule seems to clear up the problem (I haven't a clue where it is in the rulebook though, do you know?), and I thought I would pay you in return the common courtesy of visiting you page. Smashing page it is too. Thanks again, The Paradox Pusher

-=POD=- - 01/19/99 15:25:29
My URL:http://home-3.worldonline.nl/~boyd/
My Email:post at message-board URL
Tradition: Whatever suits you
Surfed in from: subreal megadrome

this entity breathes comfort; ll keep a synaps atuned; to all living of 'reknown': LOL, I see right through. bye, -=POD=- the one, all & ever

WildFire - 01/12/99 13:49:48
My Email:StewW@South-Hunsley.demon.co.uk
Tradition: Virtual Adept
Surfed in from: *DATA CLASSIFIED*

Cool colour scheme and someone has _finally_ someone has managed to doc my rotes! My Corax friend enjoyed the (limited) snippets. V cool site :)

Brisk - 01/12/99 13:35:43
My URL:http://www.hu.mtu.edu/~janowack
My Email:janowack@mtu.edu
Tradition: Virtual Adept

Cool Stuff. The Spy's Demise has nothing on you.

Ratspaw - 12/14/98 02:02:52
My Email:ratspaw@hotmail.com
Tradition: Son of Ether
Surfed in from: *classified*

Nice place. Nice color scheme. Reminiscent of the Olden Days. Tasteful, understated. I like it.

Elliot J. Clark - 12/13/98 22:07:36
My URL:http://core.degobah.binghamton.edu/~alain
My Email:alain@degbah.core.binghamton.edu
Tradition: Order of Hermes

One of the best Mage pages out here. Many useful articles and house rules that make sense.

Erika Circuitbreaker - 12/05/98 07:20:45
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/5214/index.html
My Email:ladycyris@hotmail.com
Tradition: Virtual Adepts
Surfed in from: alt.games.whitewolf

hey, man ... nice page. You only got a monochrome monitor or something? j/k

I like, I definitely like.

Mick Carstairs - 11/26/98 21:13:41
My Email:mick_carstairs@yahoo.com
Tradition: VAdept
Surfed in from: The web

I'll have to try some of those rotes... Nice place!

Sue Murphy - 11/17/98 09:16:48
Tradition: Euthanatos
Surfed in from: The Spy's Demise

Finally, a sector that doesn't immediately tempt me to [Slay Machine]! You've achieved an admirable balance of style and substance.

Trevelyan - 11/06/98 22:46:21
My Email:Wyldeboy69@Yahoo.Com
Tradition: Sons of Ether
Surfed in from: Infoseeek

Nice Rotes, Love the programing code look to pages.

Ryan Kestrel - 10/28/98 04:33:53
My Email:avwells@linknet.kitsap.lib.wa.us
Tradition: Son of Ether
Surfed in from: Starport One (DW)

Hi Blake. Just thought I'd drop by and see how things were going. I've been doing some research on the Starhawk Project and I believe I may be close to a breakthrough in the design. Hugh said he might help with the engines, but I haven't seen him for a while. Love what you've done with the place. Found a couple of interesting things that I might incorporate into The Secret Base. By the way, thank you for not publishing any of my research on your site. I know information wants to be free and all that, but some of this stuff should be kept under wraps. If I can spare the time, maybe I'll see if I can give you something to add here. After all, a Scientist should publish. There has been no response on m article in Paradigma Online. I should have realized that my ideas would be scoffed at! Pearls before swine, I believe is the phrase! Ha! Time will prove me right! I... Sorry. I must remember that I am a Scientist now. Not a warrior. Well. Until next our paths should cross I remain... Professor Ryan Kestrel, Son of Ether!

Antricault - 10/27/98 04:34:56
My URL:http://www.nanospace.com/~unicorns
My Email:unicorns@nanospace.com
Tradition: Order Of Hermes
Surfed in from: Ascension Ring


Jade the evilblackdragon - 10/15/98 23:49:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/WitchesOrder/index.html
My Email:evilblackdragon@hotmail.com
Tradition: HollowOne/Verbena
Surfed in from: Well You see I kind of got lost then Wamo!! I corespondenced here... somehow... damn box why won't you do what I tell you to for once? Oh well, here I am..

Graphics.. This is an interesting cover for your adept hocus pocus.. but a little picture show will probably help to distract the masses a bit. Besides I like green, but not that mutch. I expect an adapts web page to look like hevan, even for us mortals. Besides that it seems to rock.. and I know I will use all this stuff in the "game". *wink* Thanks... Jade

Xail - 10/04/98 20:24:37
My Email:Xail@yahoo.com
Tradition: Orphan
Surfed in from: Medviah's page

Nice place.

Bard - 10/02/98 21:12:42
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Ring/7156
My Email:bard@aracnet.net
Tradition: Virtual Adepts
Surfed in from: Spy's Demise (You'll never believe what you can find there)

Cool sector, good idea to incript it as game material. Well, smash those Technocratsl. Do your part, be intelligent and imaginative smart. Ciao for now. "There is a future in which I can see only mists and a single shadow." -Oracle en-Vec

Medviah - 09/28/98 20:44:46
My URL:http://In progress
My Email:Medviah@xoom.com
Tradition: Cult of Ecstacy
Surfed in from: Balador

Long time user of this great page. My hats off to Blake.

Saint - 09/25/98 18:20:18
My Email:eaterofsouls@hotmail.com
Tradition: Hollow Ones
Surfed in from: B.J. Zanzibar's Page

Nice page. Hope to be visiting it in it's Awakened form, as soon as I learn some Correspondence.

Dan - 08/14/98 23:17:54
My Email:daniel.santos@marca.com.br
Tradition: Adeptos da Virtualidade
Surfed in from: HA HA HA ...

Destruam a Tecnocracia

niteHawk - 08/07/98 07:18:43
My Email:grayfox@awwwsome.com
Tradition: V.A.
Surfed in from: ???????&????????

thank you a lot

Loki - 08/05/98 09:00:49
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SiliconValley/Sector/1846/index.html
My Email:loki@your-house.com
Tradition: V-dept (the bit and the baud...baby)
Surfed in from: WOD homepage...tra la la...

Recommended...if not required reading mat'l cmd_getnow

My Email:Nos4artu@yahoo.com
Tradition: VA
Surfed in from: Ravensheart

Greetings fellow willworkers, theres some big shit happening in England right now, theres gonna be some serious repercutions.

Malcolm Price - 07/29/98 17:54:03
Tradition: Virtual Adept
Surfed in from: metacrawler


Archon - 07/29/98 04:35:17
My Email:archon@iastate.edu
Tradition: Archon

(I'll just repeat that.) You've got a lot of interesting stuff here, blake.

But are you sure you're not exaggerating the effectiveness of Zen Battle Computer?

Jonathan Palmer - 07/14/98 10:41:10
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~SonofEther/index.html
My Email:jonathanpalmer@hotmail.com
Tradition: Son Of Ether
Surfed in from: Ring of Darkness

Keep up the good work, you are a very useful source of information for our fellow Magi. I have taken the liberty of including a link to your site on my external links page on my site.

POETHAAKON - 06/23/98 06:26:35
My Email:Belegol@yahoo.com
Tradition: Storyteller
Surfed in from: Your link in NG post

Very nice place you have here. Love the view. Now I really have something to put a zing in my Chronicles! Wow.

Dritz - 06/14/98 15:34:03
Surfed in from: mich


Robert LeMoyne - 06/10/98 02:42:21
My Email:gateway@pacificnet.net
Tradition: Cult of Ecstasy
Surfed in from: Club Dionysis

Wow, cool site! Great info, great links... I'll definitely have to stop by more often!

Caleb - 06/02/98 23:20:39
My Email:calebd007@aol.com
Surfed in from: geocities

This site sucks!!!!

Astral Matrix - 05/27/98 16:17:37
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/GravityWell
My Email:GravityWell@iname.com
Tradition: VirtDep
Surfed in from: The SolarFlare Continuum


Fly Hub Site!
Drop in the Well for a visit...
If you're ELITE, that is . . .

Shade - 05/25/98 19:52:01
My Email:hamilton@arosnet.com
Tradition: Euthanatos
Surfed in from: Just did

Excellent! I truly feel at home. But, you need to bring in more, well, silly elements. Thanx!

James Simon, House Fortunae - 05/24/98 08:42:57
My URL:http://users.clarkston.com/logan/frames.htm
My Email:bonisagius@oocities.com
Tradition: Order of Hermes
Surfed in from: The High Umbra

Blake, Contact me on Dalnet #mage. I may have a freelance job for you. Money and quint payoff. Variable risk, depends on you.

Treil Freth - 05/18/98 19:49:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Ring/2045/index.html
My Email:meidiotyousmart@hotmail.com
Tradition: Verbena
Surfed in from: geocities.

Was looking for realated sits like mine....Love the look , very high tech!

ACE - 05/18/98 05:04:19
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Stadium/9490
My Email:nosnetrep@mailexcite.com
Tradition: none (clan:Nosferatu)
Surfed in from: The seventh circle of hell.

Well, well, well... Virtual Adepts at work. The masters of information know about your little site. Now we know all of your little secrets too.

Medviah - 05/06/98 23:46:58
My Email:Medviah@yahoo.com
Tradition: Cult of Ecstasy
Surfed in from: Spy's Demise

Hey looking for enlightened mages to talk to about whatever your looking for. Also looking for students to teach.

Blake - 05/04/98 22:46:19
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/1317/
My Email:blake1001@technologist.com
Tradition: Virtual Adepts
Surfed in from: I live here.

The LOGON option should be working now. Thanks to MedViah MenZie for pointing out the problem. A tiny databeast wandered in from a trash sector and was eating the posts. I've locked him in my mailbox, where he should get a regular diet of spam. Everyth ng should be working now, so log a comment today!

Anna T - 03/31/98 09:44:40
My URL:http://www.bibks.uu.se/58/home.html
Tradition: Verbena
Surfed in from: My own Page

Hi! Great Page you have :-) I recommend though that you chnage the black text to some other color 'cause it blends in TOO well with the gray-and-black background. Otherwise you've really managed to make the "right" feel. :-)

Anna T

James Simon - 03/05/98 06:13:33
My URL:http://users.clarkston.com/logan/mage.htm
My Email:bonisagius@oocities.com
Tradition: Order of Hermes, House Fortunae
Surfed in from: The Deep Umbra

Really love the look. Keep up the good work. Appreciated finding a link to the Rote database. I needed something like that. I am surprised that you VAs would give such info away. Of course, "information wants to be free." Isn't that how the saying g es? How quaint... and useful.

If you ever need a job. Contact me at the Academie Chantry, Seattle.

Lady Byron - 01/13/98 21:37:40
My URL:Lovelace Virtual Manor
My Email:*hidden f/Sleeper access*
Tradition: Virtual Adpets, Software Elite
Surfed in from: *hidden f/Sleeper access*

I told you the Technocracy would be able to trace a sleeper URL to your Home Sector. Why don't you ever listen to me? And don't think that, even with as much trouble as you'll be getting from the New World Order, you won't get in even more trouble with e if you let *ONE BYTE* of important data slip through to this site unencrypted. Remember your Initiation *can* be revoked, and you're still on thin ICe after that lycanthrope debacle.
-- signed, your Friend & Mentor, B.
-- PS: I see you've at least managed to avoid the graphics addiction that seems to plague your generation. I'm glad you were listening to *some* of my lectures.

Agent Donovan, OSIR - 01/13/98 20:13:39
My URL:http://members.aol.com/TheAthar/heaven.htm
Tradition: NWO

You're playing a dangerous game, Blake. I'm watching you.