PERICLES!Once, there was a senior, and her name was Erica. Erica decided to direct a play. And she did. And it was Pericles.

Pericles, perhaps Shakespeare's least known play, was performed by the Shakespeare Troupe of TJHSST during the first two weekends in March. It was.. erm.. highly controversial, but we had fun.

There were rehearsals, and cookies, and stories, and the occasional duct tape incident or couch pileup, but mostly there was just happiness. Except one day.. it was over! Yes.. it is over. And next year there will be no more Erica of the pink hair to direct controversial plays. So take comfort here, with pictures and memories of what may be no more. If you didn't see it, you can get something of an idea of what you missed. If you did, I hope you enjoyed it, which you did of course. If you were in it, I love you forever! Give me a hug sometime.

Before the show

During the show

After the show

If you feel so inclined, you can read the whole text of Pericles here. Of course, that isn't the exact script we used. . . ours had some modern interpretations in it. *grin* It is interesting to compare the actual script with what we did, if you've got a little time.

Random note: For anyone who doesn't know, the real title of this play is Pericles: Prince of Tyre, not tears. We ended up with tears due to a technical difficulty, but I guess it ended up being more appropriate that way.

AND NOW . . .

For all of you bums who didn't like Pericles: I present the one, the only the WASHINGTON SHAKESPEARE COMPANY, and their version of Pericles. As reported by The Washington Post. And you thought we were weird. (Well, we were, but you know . . .)

My heart leaps to be gone, take me home.