Thoughts about Tinnitus

Tinnitus: (characterized by a ringing or buzzing in the ear) "Orthodox" doctors suggest that "surgery is of no value; if you can't tolerate the ringing, play background music." In reality, there are a variety of causes of tinnitus including hypertension, lead and/or mercury toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, osteoporosis (connective tissue squeezes the 8th cranial nerve), food allergies, and/or hypoglycemia. Do the necessary laboratory work to make a specific diagnosis including the pulse test, six-hour GTT, and hair analysis. Start a base line nutritional program.

Treatment of tinnitus should include the treatment of the underlying disease. Avoid offending food allergens, avoid sugar and all refined foods, take zinc at 15 mg t.i.d., tin from plant derived colloidal minerals, EFA at 5 grams t.i.d., vitamin A at 300,000 IU per day as beta-carotene, calcium at 2,000 mg per day, magnesium at 1,000 mg per day, and betaine HCI and pancreatic enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. 15 minutes before meals.

{Excerpt from a health book I've found to be very reliable.}

[William Shatner] [Star Trek TOS]