Last Updated -- December 28, 2000

- SAC Main Page
- Join Senate
- Current Games
- Bank Accounts
- Prize List
- Submit Ideas

Welcome to the Senate Activity Central. The SAC is a central gaming venue for senators to enjoy. Any member of the Emperor's Hammer Imperial Senate may participate. If you are not currently a member, JOIN today!.

Members are eligible to compete in any activity or game posted on this site. Winners will receive credits that will be posted to a "Bank Account" for them. Credit awards will vary for each game or activity, and will be posted in the description of the game or activity. Credits may be redeemed for real merchandise. See the PRIZE LIST for current prizes that are available.

You may also earn credits by submitting a game or activity for the SAC. All submissions will earn you 500 credits, and if your idea is posted to this site, it will earn you 1000 credits. Send all idea submissions to the Senate Chancellor, Raian Palpatine at Be sure to include your full senate ID line for proper credit.

All winners of a SAC activity may post such to his senate ID line. For example, you enter a story contest and win it. You may then post /SAC1 to your ID line. You enter another game, a website hunt, and you win. You would change your ID line to SAC2, etc... There is no limit to how much you can do :)