This is something that a friend of mine, Yinn, and I came up with. We were so disgusted by the direction SeaQuest took in it's 3rd season, when it was called SeaQuest 2032, as well as some of the new crew members onboard during that season that we decided to pretend that it never happened and recast the show for it's 3rd season using characters/actors that we liked. From something as simple as that we somehow got carried away and ended up creating 2 shows, planning the relationships between characters and designing new uniforms, a new bridge and so on. We even have plans to come up with some scripts at a future date.

The 2 new shows we came up with are the classic SeaQuest DSV which as before focuses on the adventures of the sub as an underwater millitary cum scientific vessel and SeaQuest Deepwater which gives us a chance to focus more on the lives of the crew (well considering that we picked the characters we love best from other tv shows we would have to do something like this wouldn't we?).

As in the 3rd season, the aliens return SeaQuest to earth in the middle of a corn field and all. But thats where the similarities end. For she is not returned 10 years after her "abduction". Due to the aliens' advanced, but slightly inaccurate, technology they managed to take SeaQuest back in time and return her 1 year after her abduction. Captain Nathan Bridger does not retire but gives up his captaincy of the SeaQuest, to the young but very qualified and competent Captain Katrina Ivanova, and is promoted to Admiral Nathan Bridger, the direct commanding officer of Captain Ivanova and go-between for SeaQuest and that pesky worldwide organisation they all serve called the UEO.

Disclaimer : The information contained within these pages is not meant for commercial use. It was created solely for the private amusement of it's creators as well as anyone else who might happen to view it.

Visit R/)VN§RE/)LM (Rav`N's Domain)
or Yinn's Page
or why not visit both?!

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