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Wolverine: Issue # 21

Artist: John Bryne Writer:Archie Goodman Inker:Gylnis Oliver
Published: February 1990 Cover Cost:$1.50 Check Current Prices
Title: Battleground: Story: 5/7

Cameo appearance of the Uncanny X-men (Collosus, Havoc, Dazzler and Psylocke).

Geist is on the hunt to find, the General's wife, wolverine and Roughouse. Unbeknown to Wolverine, he was also injected by the drug. Starting to loose his sanity, the dear sister, temporiaily restores him back to normal. Wolverine goes into one of his memory lapses and is fighting Nazi in World War II. Next time, he encounters a reality shift, thinking a Spore (created by the Deviants) is loose.

Wolverine finally kicks him healing factor on overdrive and purges the drugs from his system.

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Wolverine: Issue # 22

Artist: John Bryne Writer:Archie Goodman Inker:Clynis Oliver>
Published: March 1990Cover Cost:$1.50 Check Current Prices
Title: Outburst Story : 6 / 7

Sister Salvation , Wolverine and Roughouse surrender to the General's army. Wolverine and Roughouse are again being interogated by Geist. Geist attempts to shot Sister Salvation's son to create Spore. Instead Felix Caridad (General) is infected instead. Geist escapes but his guards are caught up with the revolutionaries and la Bandera.

Felis mutates and is engulfed with the living Spore. Wolverine tries to attack Spore with a flame flower but gets himself engulfed by Spore.

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Wolverine: Issue #23

Artist: John Byrne Writer:Archie Goodman Inker:Glynis Oliver
Published: April 1990 Cover Cost:$1.50 Check Current Prices
Title: Endings Story : 7 / 7

Wolverine with his healing factor and admantium bones cannot be absorbed by Spore. La Bendera and Wolverine attacks and wounds Spore. Sister Salvation has the faith and the healing powers to dissipate the disease of Spore. While Spore is distracted by Wolverine and La Bendera, she touches Spore and purges him off existance. Roughouse decides to stay with Sister Salvation and her son.

With Spore defeated, Wolverine goes on a search for Geist. Wolverine meets up with him and slices and dices his armor off, exposing his life support system in his armor.

Heading back to Manipoor he invades and kidnaps General Coy and the Prince of Madipoor. He infects them with the Caridad's Cocaine and watch them mutate.

Geist ends up meeting Magneto, who is not pleased with this nazi , and enters magneto's safehouse.

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Wolverine: Issue #24

Artist: Gene Colan Writer:Peter David Inker:Jim Novak
Published: May 1990 Cover Cost:$1.50 Check Current Prices
Title: Snow Blind Story : 1 / 1

Logan tells a story of a hit man, well actually a hit woman. They call her the Snow Queen. She intends to deliver a bomb inside a suit case. On the streets she gets greeted by begging children of the street. As she was distracted, one takes the suitcase. She chases the little thief and trying to shoot him down. One of the thief's friend asks for Logan for help. Logan can smell the fear of this child and realizes this is not a prank.

The little theif opens up the suitcase to find money and a radio (acutally the bomb). He tries to turn it on and accidently activates the bomb.

Patch catches up with the Snow Queen and we find out she is only an assassin but has the ability to create a temporary snow blind. She ends up disappearing. Patch eventually catches up with her when she uses the snowblind affect and has the advantage. She ends up cutting and shooting Patch. She eventually recovers the suitcase and opens it up. Only to see the timebomb tick down to 1 second before it blows.

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Wolverine: Issue #25

Artist: John Buscema Writer:Jo Duffy Inker:Glynis Oliver
Published: June 1990 Cover Cost:$1.50 U.S. Check Current Prices
Title: Heir Aid Story : 1 / 1

Logan ends up baby sitting Morrow's son, Gabriel. He starts his story in canada, where a young boy who was alone and wondered up into the mountains and meets a pack of wolverines. The wolverines did not attack but befriended and had adopted the boy named Logan. The wolverines may have sense this boy was different. Over the years the young boy was resistant to the weather, virtually heal any wound or sickness and has acute senses.

Then one day a bunch of hunters captured young logan. The wolverines attacked to save Logan but the Hunters were able to fend off the pack of wolverines. Logan freaks out and breaks out of the wooden cage and attack the hunters.

After the story Logan takes care of a group of attackers looking to kill Morrow.

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Wolverine: Issue #26

Artist: Klaus Janson Writer:Jo Dufy Inker:Tom Palmer
Published: Early July 1990 Cover Cost:$1.75 U.S. Check Current Prices
Title: Memory of Peace Story : 1 / 1

Logan returns to Japan. He finds his friend Bando and his wife dead. He recalls the beautiful and century old porcelain bowl Bando had treasured. A gang decides to also take him on, unfortunately the entire gang looses.

Logoan finds out who's the gang leader, a man named Claymore. Disguised as Patch he decides to play High stakes Poker. Patch wins and demands two things. First the bowl and then the name of the person who killed Bando, Masaki Weston. Claymore tries to take on Patch but ends up falling out the building. Before the rest of the henchmen attacks Patch, Patch tells them he has no quarrel with them and that with the boss died, they are no longer being paid.

Masaki Weston is Bando's nephew and he has always been obsessed with material things and with his heritage. One of Claymore's guards informs Weston and he make's preparation for Seppuku (a traditional Japanese ritual suicide).

Logan tells Weston how foolish he was, the only reason Logan come to Japan is because of a letter that Bando had written him. In the letter it has explained that he had cancer of the stomach and had only a month at most to live. Weston would have gained inheritence. Weston and his assistant tries to kill Patch. Not a chance.

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Wolverine: Issue #27

Artist: Dan Green Writer:Jo Duffy Inker:Ken Bruzenak
Published: Late July 1990 Cover Cost:$1.75 U.S. Check Current Prices
Title: Predators and Prey Story : 1 / 4 The Lazarus Project

Another gang tries to attack patch. Karma lurks in the background and gives patch a hand. The gang turns to the female who was accompying Logan. They are shock as they find it is Tyger Tiger. As they are leaving he thanks Karma, she is shocked because Logan had smelled her.

Jessica spies to see what is happening in Prince Baran. She gets caught but not before they activated Pinocchio. Jessica manages to get out and tells Patch about the planned village attack for the Master form.

Wolverine goes after Pinocchio and finds it's a robot. The robot is fast and agile but wolverine decides to eend this, he pops his claws and sinks them into the robot. To Wolverine's suprise it did not effect the robot, the robot's creator throws a vial of acid into Wolverine's face. Unable to see and at a disadvantage he ends up jumping on the building and falls into the river.

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Wolverine: Issue #28

Artist: Barry Kitson Writer:Jo Dufy Inker:Kieth Williams
Published: Early August July 1990 Cover Cost:$1.75 U.S. Check Current Prices
Title: The Stranger Story : 2 / 4 The Lazarus Project

Wolverine surfaces on the island of Rumika and can't remember who he is. He ends up being surrounded by fisherman and a killer shark attacks. Wolverine saves the fisherman. He is befriended by the entire village.

Wolverine recalls when a group of mercenary attack the village to look for the Master Form. The entire village is wiped out, all men, woman and children. Wolverine goes berserk!! Karma also had followed the group of attackers and takes control of the gunman.

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Wolverine: Issue #29

Artist: Barry Kitson Writer:Jo Duffy Inker:Al Milgrom
Published: Early August 1990 Cover Cost:$1.75 U.S. Check Current Prices
Title: Story : The Road Back - The Lazarus Project Part III

Logan, Karma and Target talk amongst themselves to find out why the "Master form" is so important. Logan reveals the type of people he was working with in Madripoor.

Karma reveals that he overheard Coy and the Broker about the Lazarus project, and how important it was for them to have the "master form". Her Uncle hires Merrick to protect the "Master form"

Target reveals how his father kep the "master form" safe and that one day the army had stormed in with a tank and kille d his parents. Target was able to hide the "Master form" and later enlisted in the army to seek revenge for his parents for those who were responsible for their deaths.

At this moment 3 men come bursting in and the 3 are easily defeated. All three return to Madripoor to find the answers.

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Wolverine: Issue #30

Artist: Bill Jaaska Writer:Jo Dufy Inker:Joe Rubinstein
Published: Late August 1990 Cover Cost:$1.75 U.S. Check Current Prices
Title: Family Matters The Lazarus Project Part IV

Logan, Karma and Target arrives at Madripoor. They make their way into the palace with help from Karma. Dr Page activates Pinnochio and attacks Logan. After a brief battle, Pinnochio falls to the ground. Karma uses her ability to make Pinnochio recognize his cousin, Target. Karma stops Logan from killing Coy. Logan stops Page from killing Pinnochio. Logan finds Broker, who loked like he had commied suicide. Coy was told that he is responsible for any and all the Prince's losses, as well as any damages.

As for the Lazarus Project, it has been stopped, and the master form will cease to be hunted down.

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