Untraveled Byways: An Update History of the Lonesome Road



October 22, 2000
Sorry for the long delay in updates, folks! I've been quite busy with work and the Book of Shadows. (Only nine days to go!) Not much substance in this update, sad to say, but I have completely reorganized the site. I took down the Player's Guide to Ravenloft for now, while I'm waiting on the Kargatane's RAVENLOFT Conversion Manual and a clearer picture of how the Gazeteers are going shape up. Some juicy bits: the black cock has been updated for 3E, as have Laura Graibley and Sardha Rameswaram. I've rebuilt the Ceremonies of Innocence form the ground up; all reflect the 3E format for churches now, and there's finally entries for every faith.

August 10, 2000
DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS 3RD EDITION has arrived! Hats off to all you lucky bastards kickin' it at Gen Con 2000 for the big release! And for everyone else, I've converted a couple of NPC's to 3E: Kostrzyn Lubartów and Narissa Falconbridge. Enjoy, and keep your eyes peeled for more conversions and updates to coincide with the release of the new D&D.

July 13, 2000
Ceremonies of Innocence: Finished the page for Forseti.

July 2, 2000
Fell Denizens: Added the black panther, stone rose and Venus weed.

June 20, 2000
Stakes and Silver: Added The Way of Good Spirits, detailing two priest classes unique to Rokushima Táiyoo. While I was at it, I added a page for the kami in Ceremonies of Innocence.

June 12, 2000
Fearful Impressions: Added my review of Die Vecna Die!.

May 28, 2000
Fell Denizens: Added the slogra.

May 26, 2000
Fell Denizens: Added the ouija table.

May 22, 2000
Fell Denizens: Added the blood zombie. If updates seem sluggish it's because, to be frank, I'm not very motivated to write new material so close to the dawn of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 3RD EDITION. Less than three months to go! I promise that the updates this fall will more than make up for an otherwise inactive year.

April 15, 2000
Fearful Impressions: Added my review of Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium Volume 3.


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