The Book of Genesis

1. In the beginning was the word. And the word was Dingo. And it was a good word.
2. It had five letters, and was written in the language that would one day be called australian-english. Begins with a D, ing in the middle, O on the end.
3. This word, great though it be, was no match for the creature it referred to. The Sacred Dingo. (actually three words.)
4. The Sacred Dingo was great and all-powerful. His will encompassed the entire univese, his desire was the stuff from which we are made.
5. And he was bored.
6. And so he looked around his domain, which consisted of an absolutly massive section of nothingness, and he said "Let there be light."
7. Immediately lights sprang up all around the universe, tiny suns flared into existance. The Sacred Dingo shielded his eyes and grinned.
8. And having watched the suns for a while, The Sacred Dingo was once again bored. So he said "Let there be earth!" And immediately planets sprung up around the universe.
9. And then he said "Let there be plants and animals." And grinned as lush foilage and strange creatures appeared on the planet he named Earth.
10. He watched the creatures frolicking happily and smiled. The whole scene was peaceful and serene. And it was good.
11. However, our Lord Dingo has a sadistic streak. And with an evil grin he didst say "Let there be Humans."
12. And there was Humans.
13. The Dingo didst watch the humans for many a year, on their stationary planet. And soon he noticed that the humans on one side burned, and starved, whilst those on the other would do naught but sleep. And so he didst say "Let the earth revolve around the sun, whilst also revolving on it’s axis."
14. And it was so.
15. The Dingo then didst add, with a malicious smile. "And let the Sun appear to move across the sky during the day, and the moon at night. To confuse the stupid humans into believing they are the center of the universe."
16. And it was so. And the humans were so confused.
17. The humans multiplied, as the Dingo wished, and spread out across the earth.
18. And there was disease.
19. And there was war.
20. And there was killing.
21. And the humans slayed many breeds, many races and destroyed many cities.
22. And the Dingo started to get pissed.
23. But not all was lost.
24. For from the humans there arose a cult, who rose above the killing. They were known as the followers of Dingo. They founded the almighty temple of Dingo and did give thanks and praise unto him.
25. The three prophets they were called, and they were supremely intelligent humans. They didst listen to the Dingo’s words, and believe in his visions.
26. And the Dingo was very pleased with his work.
27. And so the followers of the Dingo were granted superiority over their brethren, and gifted with marvellous visions. They were assured of a place beside the great one, whilst their evil heathen friends languished forever in the urinal pits of the Dingo.
28. So sayeth the lord our Dingo.

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