The Lost Muse

I seek her here and seek her there,
but now she's gone and left no trace.
No more soft touch and flowing hair,
to rest against my dreaming face.

When did I know that she was gone?
My lady fair had left me dry?
That I can't hear her lovely song,
or climb upon her wings and fly?

It might have been one night in bed,
staring sleeplessly around,
When no more rhymes danced in my head,
I listen but theres not a sound.

But no, it wasn't then I knew,
or even when I forgot to sing.
Forgot that I had ever flew,
across the rhythmic fields she brings.

Staring at a blank white page,
and suddenly I realised.
The world's a stage and i've said my line,
and then, I broke down and cried.

Nicholas Bronson
