These Articles have been collected & submitted to this site "for entertainment
Purposes only". Whether they are true or not is up to the reader. I am merely
Exercising my right to FREEDOM of SPEACH, that which others have died for!
...........................THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!...

Dreamland Happenings...News from "The Area" well as from the radio show........

...Finally, Art went after the two former guests "that made- slanderous" remarks about him.
(*)Page 2 of the New Jersey Sunday Herald May 30th, 1999; I opened it up and lo & behold ...there`s Art! If you are not up to date on this story read more about it at Arts` site,it's why he left a second time, ART BELL is Retiring as of the April 26/27 show!
... Here's the story..., Good Luck ...Give'm Hell Art

Arts` mysterious exit from radio last October seems to be why he's leaving for good now here in April of 2000...(*)According to the"Las Vegas Review-Journal.That`s as far into the news of this as I want to go. I don`t know what to say other than however you can- show some support for Art, with these 2 lawsuits he could use it!

Check-out the : Message Board & Feedback & Leave your comments about ART leaving the air...

Area 51 Store
~The MAJI Conspiricy~

"Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel."

Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, First Director of the Central Intelligence Agency From the New York Sunday Times, 28 February 1960.

The MJ12 (Majestic 12) document is reputed to be a top secret briefing, consisting of eight pages, written for President-elect Eisenhower in 1952. It tells of two saucer crashes in the US (in 1947 and 1950). It even mentions details of the recovery of wreckage and alien bodies near Roswell. The second part of the document was a memo dated Sept. 24, 1947 from President Harry Truman to James Forrestal. The documents first came to the attention of the public when copies on a roll of undeveloped film were received by Bill Moore and Jaime Shandera in 1984. The envelope was stamped in Albaquerque, New Mexico The sender is anonymous. Moore and Shandera were investigating the Roswell incident, and an investigation was then begun to verify the authenticity of the documents. In my opinion, no final conclusions can be made to establish the validity of these documents, nor have they been proven to be falsified.

Here`s a recent report about a sighting while flying in a commercial jet...near area 51....
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How about some satellite photos of Area 51!!! was hacked & 'here' are some photos & the story of 'THE AREA 51' photos...(courtesy CNN & Terraserver)

[(((Old Story)))]
I just caught on to a story involving a guest on the ART BELL show...Fr. Malachi Martin.(UPDATE...Fr.Malachi just recently passed away) I`ve heard bits & pieces prior to now but they seem to be coming together. Here`s the link... 'WHAT IS APPROACHING US'...BY Fr. Malachi Martin.



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