
Sleepless:  This is where we first see Alex Krycek. he and Mulder are working on a case together. At the end of Sleepless we find out where Krycek's loyaties lie...he has a secrect meeting with CSM.

Duane Barry/Acension: Duane Barry takes Scully hostage. Krycek and Mulder find out Barry has taken her to Skyland Mountain. Krycek waits in the garage for Mulder, he gets a call from CSM telling him to stall Mulder. Once at Skyland Mountain, Mulder takes a tram in order to beat Barry to the top of the mountain. Krycek hits the tram operator in the head with his gun, and stops the tram. Krycek who is watching sees Mulder on top of the tram, so he starts the tram up again. Mulder almost falls(darn) to his death. Sometime later Krycek meets CSM in his car. He tells CSM that he has a right to know what's going on. "You have no rights, only orders" CSM tells him. Mulder borrowed Krycek's car, and finds cigarette butts in the ashtray. Mulder runs to Skinner to tell him what he has found. Skinner has Krycek paged, only to find out Krycek has disappeared.

ANASAZI: Mulder comes in contact with a computer hacker, who has a dat tape with all kinds of info on it about alien encounters for the past 50 years. Mulder finds out his dad Bill Mulder, had something to do with it while he was at the State Dept. Mulder goes home to confront his father. they get in a heated discussion about the matter. Bill Mulder goes to the bathroom to get some meds. Krycek is waiting in the shower for him. Mulder hears a gun shot, and runs in to find his father on the floor dying..and a car driving away. Krycek ends up outside Mulder's apt. Mulder sees him and they fight...Scully hears the commotion,and goes over to them. Mulder has pulled his gun on Krycek. Krycek tells him he didn't kill his father, Scully, yells at Mulder to put the gun down..he doesn't so she shoots him, Krycek runs off into the night.

THE BLESSING WAY/ PAPER CLIP: Krycek and Luis Cardinal are sent to Scully's apt to kill her. They wait in darkness for her. The door opens a woman walks in...a shot rings out. Krycek and Lius walk over to the fallen body,only to find out they shot Scully's sister. Krycek,Luis,and other man go to the hosptail were Melissa Scully's sister is. Skinner is there he sees the other man with Krycek,and follows him down the stair well. Krycek and Luis jump out and beat Skinner up and Krycrk takes the dat tape from him. The three of them stop at a store. The driver gets out,Luis asks Krycek if he wants something...Krycek tells him no. Luis gets out,Krycek watches him. When Luis gets to the door of the store,him and the other man look back at Krycek.Krycek sees this and notices that the clock in the car is blinking. He realizes whats about to happen...he rushes out of the car right before it blows up. Later on he calls CSM to tell him...he is still alive and that he has the tape.

PIPER MARU:  A french salavge ship called the Piper Maru,comes in contact with a black oily substance..which infects the crew. Scully and Mulder are sent to investigate,which leads Mulder to a woman named Geraldine who's been selling secrects to the highest bidder.Mulder follows her to Hong Kong,he meets up with her in a restaurant..were he handcuffs her to him. She takes him to her office, where Krycek is waiting. Krycek confronts Mulder, he pushes Geraldine out the door,and closes the door behind her. Mulder can't move becauses he's still handcuffed to her. Shots ring out Geraldine is dead, and Krycek jumps out the window. Mulder tracks him down at the airport. He takes krycek over to some pay phones.and roughs him up. Krycek tells Mulder he'll give him the tape if he lets him go. Mulder agree's,and tells Krycek to go to the men's room to clean up. A woman enters the men's room(she is the wife of one of the men who was onboard the piper maru, she was infected by him with the black oil) she attacks Krycek. Krycek leaves the bathroom...we see his eyes have turned black..he is now infected with the black oil.

APOCRYPHA: Krycek and Mulder have made it back to the states. They get in a rental car to go get the tape. On the way the are run off the road by some ops guys who want the tape. They yank Krycek out of the car...Krycek  under the infulence of the black oil kills them and dissapears. Krycek goes to CSM apt to make a deal with him,the tape for the location of the alien ship. Back in D.C. Mulder and Scully figure out what has happen to Krycek. They are led to an abandoned military silo. Mulder and Scully search the silo for Krycek. CSM and his men get there and escort Mulder and Scully out. CSM looks back at a door...this is wear Krycek is. Krycek is on the alien ship,heaving as the black oil leaves his body by his eyes and mouth. When the black oil is gone...Krycek is left locked in the silo eight stories down.

TUNGUSKA/TERMA:Mulder has been leaked info about bomb material at a warehouse. He and Scully with a bunch of FBI agents wait at the warehouse for some activity. A truck shows up, a gun fight occurs..the truck tries to leave,but can't because the driver has been shot. Mulder and Scully get the passenger's Krycek. Krycek tells Mulder that he's the one who's been giving the info to him.Mulder takes Krycek to Skinner's apt. Skinner punches Krycek in the stomach and handcuffs him to his balcony outside. The next day Krycek is awoken to the sound of a man in Skinner's apt.He sees the man thru the window,and flings himself over the balcony hanging by his handcuffed arm. The man hears the noise and goes out to the balcony,he looks over the railing..Krycek grabs him and pulls him off..the man falls to his death. Mulder finds about the dead man at Skinner's apt. He goes and gets Krycek off the balcony. Mulder gets a tip,he and Krycek are off to the airport. Mulder intends on leaving Krycek handcuffed in his car,but he finds out Krycek can speak Russian and takes him with him. Krycek and Mulder find some sort of prison camp in Tunguska,Russia. They are spotted by the guards who chase them on horseback. Mulder and Krycek are captured and put in a cell. The guards take Krycek away. Mulder is taken to do an experiment on him...the black oil. After the experiment is done he and the other prisoners are taken outside. Mulder spots Krycek acting real chummy with the guards. Mulder attacks him. He pushes Krycek into the back of a truck,Mulder takes the truck and speeds off. As Mulder is driving down the road Krycek decides it's time to go...he jumps out. He runs off into the woods,where a band of one armed men find him.They take him back to there camp. In the middle of the night as Krycek sleeps,the men hold him down and cut off his left arm....they do this so Krycek won't be experimented on.

PATIENT X/THE RED AND THE BLACK: Krycek finds a boy in Russia who has witness the burning of his family by the faceless alien rebels. Krycek who is now sporting a prosthetic arm takes the boy to a Russian gulag. Where he beats the boy,has him infected with the black oil and then sews his eyes and mouth shut. He and the boy get on a Russian ship bound for NY. Once in NY Krycek calls the consortium telling them that he knows what happen in Russia. Martia Covarrubias shows up,she and Krycek apparently have been working together. When Krycek is gone Martia takes the boy,who later infects her with the black oil. Krycek realizes that Martis has taken the boy,but before he can do anything about it WMM shows up. Martia has been taken by the consortium to some sort of hospital,to give her a vaccine they have been working on..but it doesn't work. So WMM goes back to the Russian ship where he has left Krycek handcuffed to a pipe. They make a deal the vaccine for Krycek's freedom. After being released Krycek pays Mulder a visit,he ambushes Mulder at the door of his apt. He tells him some of what is going on then leaves.

THE END: Krycek is sent by WMM to find CSM and to bring him back to the consortium. Now it seems Krycek is WMM chauffeur.

SR819: Skinner has been infected by something that is killing him. Skinner,Mulder,and Scully race againist time to find out what it is. Skinner ends up in a parking garage being chased by a man. Skinner weak from his illness slumps over a car. As the man approaches to kill him...a car comes out of no where and runs the man down. Skinner catches a glimpse of the person driving the's a man with long hair and a beard(Krycek). Skinner ends up in the hospital where he sees this man again,so does Mulder who chases him,but Krycek gets away. Skinner is now close to death,Krycek is there he has some sort of remote control device..he brings Skinner back to life..Krycek has control over the nanobots that have invaded Skinner's body! Skinner all better now gets in his car where Krycek is waiting for him..Skinner asks Krycek what he wants.....I can't remember what he said ,something like I'll let you know.

TWO FATHERS/ONE SON: The Consortium's plan to make a alien/human hybrid is a success. The doctor's are completing the final test on Cassandra Spender, when the faceless alien rebels show up they kill everyone but Cassandra. CSM finds out about this he now knows the consotium's plans are going up in smoke. That the rebels have left Cassandra alive so she can expose them. They have a meeting Krycek is there. They are discussing there next move when CSM figures out one of them is a rebel in disguise. He sends his son Jeffery to kill him. Krycek drives him there. Jeffery confronts the man but he freaks out when he sees what the man really is. Krycek comes up from behind and stabs the alien in the back of the neck. The colonization of this planet is going to start. The consortium packs there things up and  they go to El Rico Air Force Base. Krycek is suppose to meet them there, but he goes to get the alien fetus instead. Krycek finds that the fetus has been taken by the rebels. On his way out  he spots Spender who is trying to get Martia out of there. he tells them "It's all going to hell" and he leaves them.  Back at El Rico the rebels show up instead of the other aliens they kill everyone excecpt CSM and Fowley,who get away.

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