
This is a page for quotes and Krycek's words of wisdom.


Krycek to Mulder "I paid off your cab..... I don't appreciate being ditched like somebodies bad date"

Mulder: I'm sorry it hurt your feelings"

Krycek: "Where do you get off copping this attitude. You don't even know the first thing about me."

Paper Clip

Krycek on the phone with CSM: "I'm alive"

CSM:"Yes, good,good,good. Uh,where are you?"

Krycek: "Somewhere that you will never find me, you double-crossing son of a bitch."

CSM: "Are you sure?"

Krycek: "I'm sure of this...if I so much as fell your presence,I'm going to make you a very,very famous understand?"

Piper Maru

Mulder still handcuffed to Gerladine,who's on the other side of the door: "That's no way to treat your business partner especially since she's been moving those secerts you've been selling so well."

Gunshots outside the door. Krycek to Mulder: "Looks like she's your partner now."


Krycek: "Hey,you go underground you gotta learn to live with the rats"

Mulder: "I'm sure you had no trouble adapting"

Krycek:"These men are pathetic revolutionaries. Who'll kill Americans in the name of bonehead ideologies"

"You can't bring these men to justice they're protected. The laws of this country protect them in the name of national security. They know no law."

"These men,they fear one thing exposure. You expose him,you expose his crimes,you destroy the destroyer's ability to destroy."

Mulder: "The only thing that will destroy this man is the truth."

Krycek: "The truth,the truth! There's no truth these men,they make it up as they go along. They're the engineer's of the future. They're the real revolutionaries.

Paient X

Marita: My name is Marita Covarrubias. I am a special representative to the secretary general of the US."

Krycek: "I know who you are,and I know who you work for. Now go back and tell them..."

Marita: "Tell them what? What happened here"

Krycek: " Tell them it's all going to hell"

Martia: "Does the boy know? Did he see."

Krycek: "You tell them to kiss my American ass"

Back in New York...WMM answers the phone: "Yes"

Krycek: "Well look who's answering the batphone"

WMM: "Alex Krycek"

Krycek: "Those guys, too cheap to offer a pension plan."

The Red and The Black

Krycek: " You must be losing it Mulder. I can beat you with one hand."

Mulder: "Isn't that how you like to beat yourself."

Krycek pointing his gun at Mulder: "If it wasn't in my best intrest, I would squeeze the trigger"

Mulder: " What's stopping you?"

Krycek: " Hear this, Agent Mulder...Listen very carefully because what I'm telling you is deadly serious. There is war raging and unless you pull your head out of the sand, you and I and about five billion other people are going to go the way of the dinosaur. I'm talking planned invasion. The colonization of this planet by an extraterrestrial race."

Mulder: "I thought you were serious."

Krycek: " Kazahastan, Skyland Mountain, the site in Pennsylvania. They're all alien lighthouses where the colonization will begin. But where now a battle's being waged. A struggle for heaven and earth. Where there is one law; fight or die. And one rule; resist or serve.

Mulder: " Serve who?"

Krycek: " Not who...what"


Skinner in his car: "I ve been expecting you to show up."

Krycek in the back seat: " You know I can push the button anytime."

Skinner: "What do you want from me? What's this all about Krycek."

Krycek: " All in good time"

Two Fathers

Spender staring at the dead alien rebel

Krycek: " You've never seen one before, have you?"

Spender shakes his head no;

Krycek: " It's shocking at first. The acceptance of the idea, it''s something you thought only childern and fools believed in it undermines your yourself,in the world..but then you come to understand.

One Son

Spender at Fort Marlene: "Krycek,I'm trying ti get out of here"

Krycek: "What are you talking about"

Spender: " We can't get past security. They won't recognize my authroity to remove a patient."

Krycek walks over to the room and sees Marita;

Spender: " My father did this to her. she wants to tell her story."

Krycek: " You sorry son of a bitch. You don't get it, do you? It's all going to hell, the rebels are going to win. They took it."

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