Please Dear Friend

Please dear friend
Don't say to me the old cliches
Time heals all wounds
God only gives you as much as you can bear
Life is for the living. . .
Just say the thoughts of your heart
I'm sorry, I love you, I'm here, I care
Hug me and squeeze my hand
I need your warmth and strength.

Please don't drop your eyes when I am near
I feel so rejected now by God and man
Just look in my eyes and let me know that you are with me.

Don't think you must always be strong for me
It's okay to cry
It tells me how much you care
Let me cry, too
It's so lonely to cry alone.

Please keep coming by even after many weeks have passed
When the numbness wears off the pain of grief is unbearable.
Don't ever expect me to be quite the same
How can I be when part of my being is here no more.
But please know, dear friend, with your love, support and understanding
I will live and love again and be grateful everyday that I have you-

                                                      dear friend.

Mary Bailey