
I have feelings I want to show,
and feel that I have shown them,
but I know to show them once is not enough.

Showing them the first time is hard,
because it is the first time.
There must be a crossing of a line
to show feelings that supposedly are unknown.
But they are not completely unknown,
because I worked so hard before,
to prepare the way for me to reveal
my feelings for the first time.

Now that they are known,
continuing to show them is hard.
Once the first daring step is taken,
following steps are more cautious,
taken in fear that the next will be too far.

Invitation makes the steps easier,
but without complete knowlege of
what ground I tread,
they are still heasitant and unsure.

There is also fear that steps taken
and places seen will become over familiar,
and be taken for granted, or unwanted.

Some day I will find my way forward.
I see the path, now I must learn how to walk.

-Miostiek, 3/8/97