Name: Lisa Anders
Rank : Special Agent 5
Service Number : 871402-0708

Personal History
Sex : Female
Age : 34 years old
Date of birth : June 4, 1963
Place of Birth : Haven, Maine
Parents : Father - Kevin Anders : Deceased.
Mother - Elizabeth Anders (nee O'brien) : Deceased.

Physical description
Height : 5'7"
Weight : 135 lbs
Race : Irish/English
Eyes : Dk Brn
Hair : Black, shoulder length and straight.
Distinguishing marks : Scar of an old knife wound received during the Red Shoes
Rapist investigation on the upper thigh of her left leg.

Misc Description
Marital status : Single
Education : Bachelor's Degree in Psychology - University of Maine at Orono
Sports : Proficient in the martial arts. Encouraged by her parents to take up
as a form of self-defense. Skilled in Judo and Kendo, but able to
hold her own in other forms of the Martial Arts.
Skills : Excellent in her use of Bladed weapons. Her marksmanship could use a
little improvement, but if it has a blade, she's deadly. Also known
for her negotiating abilities and her easy-going manners.

1981 - Graduated local High School, Salutatorian of her class.

1985 - Graduated from the University of Maine at Orono with her degree in
Psychology. Meant to pursue her Master's degree but the death of her
parents delayed that option.

1986 - applied to and got accepted to the FBI. Went to Quantico for training
and graduated in the same year.

1987 - Assigned to Sex Crimes division. Assisted in the capture of Ladykiller
Lenny, a serial rapist/killer who murdered 12 women in the Miami and
Ft. Lauderdale area.

1989 - Assisted in the apprehension of the Red Shoes Rapist in Hawaii (with the
assistance of Jeff Calderon, who is now with Bravo team). Was promoted
to Special Agent 2.

1990 - Requested and received transfer to Violent Crimes. Reason for transfer
has been classified.

1992 - Brought about the breakup of a Satanic cult that performed over 20
ritual murders in Missouri. Received commendation for her undercover
work and was promoted to Special Agent 3.

1993 - Successfully negotiated the release of hostages in a foiled bank robbery
in her home town of Haven. Although this was not an official FBI case,
it was worth mentioning.

- Requested and granted transfer to Computer Crimes division.

- Led investigation leading to the breakup of a ring of hackers known as
Hackers Inc. This group was responsible for hacking into several of the
government's mainframes, including the FBI's.

1994 - Assisted Interpol in the capture of Kevin Dellico, an online stalker who
murdered 15 women in the UK, Ireland, and France. Received a
commendation from the lead investigator of Interpol.

- Promoted to Special Agent 4.

1995 - << Granted Leave of Absence >>

1996 - Requested and granted transfer back to Violent Crimes division.

- Assisted in the successful release of 25 children in a schoolbus hostage
situation in Kentucky. Negotiated with the distraught bus driver for
over 50 hours straight.

- Assisted in the capture of Kristin Furlough, a serial killer in Los
Angeles who targeted lesbian hookers who she thought was responsible for
the death of her daughter, weeks earlier. Responsible for the deaths of
10 hookers.

1997 - Promoted to Special Agent 5

- Assisted Durham police in the murders of Jennifer and Andrea Jones. Was
not able to make an arrest in the case. Called back to Washington D.C.
for another case.

- Led investigation leading to the capture of Frances Killian, the woman
responsible for the kidnapping and deaths (by emasculation) of 12
businessmen in the St. Louis, Missouri area.

- Led investigation leading to the capture of the San Diego Sniper, Tom

1998 - Requested and granted transfer to X-files division.


Lisa Anders has been noted as being one of the most pleasant women to be around during her off-duty times. laid back and easy going, she is seldom seen without a smile on her face or a pleasant word. Although her job at the FBI warrants her to wear power suits and dresses, she would feel much more comfortable in an old pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Noted for her professional attitude by her supervisors, she has the makings of a born leader, although she would feel much more comfortable in the role of assistant.
The various transfers between divisions within the Bureau has been puzzling to everyone, except to Agent Anders herself. It had nothing to do with any sort of conflict with any of the personnel at the time of her transfers, neither did it have anything to do with boredom or restlessness. Speculation has it that she is conducting her own investigation on the murder of her parents and the transfers were a means to further it. When confronted at the time of her transfers, she noted personal growth and ability to learn different aspects of the bureau investigations as reasons.

Living with her long-time college friend, Sandra Jett (who works for the Justice Department), Lisa often walks to work since they live nearby. To those who have been able to visit Lisa at home, they have all noted one curious thing that Lisa keeps by her headboard. It seems to be a blood-stained card bearing a name, Docker. It was supposedly found at the scene of her parents murder.

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