Eithne drawing her gun once more and looked at Kate, who nodded, stepping back. Then, slowly and carefully, they made their way to the closet, and Eithne pulled it open, then jumped back as Kate stepped forward.

Almost immediatly the other woman lowered her weapon and leaned down, gasping. Eithne moved over to a position where she could see what was in the closet, and closed her eyes for a moment as she saw the person, the girl named Jennifer who'd run off - had it only been a short time earlier? - while Eithne went to get her tea.

After getting the girl out and untying her, then helping her to the bed, Kate stepped aside and Eithne joined her.

"You look like you recognized her. . ."

Eithne nodded. "Her name is Jennifer. . ." Kate's eyes widened and she nodded as she recalled Eithne telling her of her meeting with Jennifer earlier.

Eithne bit her lip, and, half talking to herself, stated, "It looks like she'll be okay, thankfully. . ." She paused, and almost hit herself in the head. "Dammit! I forgot about Megan!" She drew a deep breath, and then increased the volume of her voice and enunciated more, though not enough to allow Jennifer to hear her. "If it's alright with you, I'd rather go tell the rest of the team and see if any medics are still here than stay with her, but if you'd like to do that..."

Kate shook her head. "No, that's quite fine - I'm happy to stay and talk to her. I'll see what information she can supply as to her attacker." Almost as an afterthought, she added, "I'll call the paramedics as well, just in case you can't find anyone to attend to her. . . she should be taken to the hospital anyway." She lowered her voice and she added, "I hope we don't have much more excitment today - I'm running low on energy and I've suddenly remembered that I ate a very light lunch."

Eithne grinned and chuckled slightly, and Kate pulled a chair up next to the bed where Jennifer lay. Before Eithne left, Kate saw the teddy bear, and asked her to procure a larger evidence bag for it while she was outside. Eithne nodded, and walked across the hall to Flynn and Sandra, where she filled them in on the situation. After a few words exchanged, she left once more.

She walked outside the sorority house, practically brushing shoulders with a team of paramedics as they made their way in. After telling them which room the injured girl was in, she went to go check on Megan - after getting an evidence bag for the bear.

She was met with an attitude even worse than Megan's first one when she arrived back where she had left the girl, one comparable only to that of the officer she'd left her with.

She took the girl's number and address, as well as the number of the sorority house, and her full name, which, while not the best course of action, was the only one she was left with at the moment, and she was thankfully able to validate the information with a girl and her boyfriend who were standing nearby.

Taking the evidence bag, she walked back into the room, where she found that Jennifer had been taken to the local hospital to be checked out and kept for observation, although there did not seem to be anything which would stay with her after the bruises healed.

Eithne handed Kate the evidence bag, and was about to say something when she realized that Sarianna was standing there. She nodded. "Long time no see."

Sari shrugged. "Sorry, I got caught up in various things." She shook her head as if to clear it. "Anyone up to calling this a day?"

Eithne bit her lip. "I wish we had more of a certainty that the scream came from Jennifer, but I'm not going to stand around doing that right now - I'm tired!"

Sandra sighed. "You're not the only one. . . What I wouldn't give for a nice soft pillow right now. I might retire after this mission."

Eithne looked shocked. "But then we'd all miss your deliteful and engaging rapporte!"

Sandra blinked. "I've got a delitful and engaging rapporte?"

"I think I picked that up from a friend's father. . . don't ask." She smiled slightly, and then asked, "Who's in which car?" Unconciously, she allowed her usually-nonexistant accent to show through, and Kate almost laughed. Eithne cocked her head.


"I didn't know you were from Boston."

Eithne looked confused for a few moments, and then laughed. "Sorry. I have a tendancy to do that when tired. . . park the car in Havard yard and whatnot." She grinned. "You should have heard me in college...."

Sarianna grinned with the rest of them, and then spoke up. "You should all know that I received a call from Washington a little earlier - we're getting another agent, Damian Glass. He should be here by tommarow, very possibly sooner. . ."

Eithne raised her eyebrows in surprise. That wasn't something she'd expected... She continued to contemplate the implications as the weary five walked out and piled into the two cars, grateful to be sitting. Eithne hadn't realized that not sleeping until two days prior had affected her *that* much until she sat down, breathing a sigh of relief.

She would have no trouble whatsoever falling asleep tonight, she realized...

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