[9:38AM EDT, Karellon University]

"How long were we inside," Sandra asked.

"Forty minutes. They work fast around here."

They stared at the car for a few moments longer. "The logical thing would be to go to the security office and get something done about this," Sandra said at last.

Kate nodded. "I wanted to stop by there anyway. They’re holding the belongings of one of the missing girls, Amy Richmond. I want to take look."

"I don’t remember that name from the file."

"Because it isn’t in the file. I’d like to find out why." As they walked to the security office, which they found out from one of the student was on the other end of the campus in the administration building, Kate filled Sandra in on the conversation she’d had with the security guard.

"And this Officer Quinn thinks that her disappearance is related to the murders?"

"That’s the impression he gave. Curious, isn’t it?"

Sandra nodded. "It would be interesting to find out what her father has to say."

"I called his office first thing this morning and left a message with his secretary. He’s out of the office until this afternoon, but he’s supposed to contact us when he gets back."

The administration building was a long two-story structure with Georgian pillars along the front side and ivy climbing the brick walls. Inside, it was a model of cold bureaucratic efficiency, unadorned and uninviting. The agents found a map of the building just inside the entrance, and from it determined that the security office was at the end of the corridor to their left, past the cashier windows, counseling office and audio-visual center.

As they passed the counseling office, by an unspoken agreement both agents paused for a moment to peer through the open door, curious to see what sort of business the office was doing given the recent events. The reception desk was occupied by a young woman, probably a student, who at the moment had nothing better to do than flip through the pages of a magazine. Four students were waiting for appointments, but none of them looked particularly distraught - a couple were looking over the class listing for the next semester and comparing possible schedules, another was studying, and a boy who in his boredom had found something quite fascinating about his thumbnail.

Sandra nodded in the general direction of the office. "Does she look familiar to you," she asked Kate.

"Which one?"

"At the desk. I’ve seen her somewhere."

"Burrell’s class? The sorority house," Kate suggested.

Sandra shook her head. "I don’t think so." She shrugged and started down the hall to the security office. "It’ll come to me eventually. Let’s get the car taken care of."

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